Issue - meetings

Parsonage Street, Heaton Norris

Meeting: 04/06/2014 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 13)

13 Parsonage Street, Heaton Norris - Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration


The Area Committee is recommended to approve the extension of the existing permit parking zone and introduce a Traffic Regulation Order for No Waiting At Any Time on Parsonage Street.


Officer Contact: Vivian Butterworth on 0161 474 4848 or email:



Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration (copies of which had been circulated) following a request to extend the existing permit parking zone on Parsonage Street.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the following Traffic Regulation Order on Parsonage Street, Heaton Norris at an approximate cost of £600 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Brinnington and Central Ward allocation):-


Permit Holders Only Monday – Saturday 8.00am-7.00pm


Parsonage Street


South East Side at its junction with Southdown Close – from a point 5 metres south east of the easterly kerbline of Parsonage Street for a distance of approximately 25 metres in a south easterly direction to tie in with the cul de sac end between numbers 16 and 18 Parsonage Street.


North East Side at its junction with Southdown Close - from a point 7 metres south east of the easterly kerbline of Parsonage Street for a distance of approximately 13 metres in a south easterly direction to tie in with the cul de sac end between numbers 16 and 18 Parsonage Street.


Addresses of Residents eligible for Permits


Residents of Parsonage Street, Heaton Norris


No Waiting At Any Time


Parsonage Street


South east side at its junction with Southdown Close - from a point 5 metres south east of the easterly kerbline of Parsonage Street for a distance of 5 metres in a north westerly direction.


North east side at its junction with Southdown Close - from a point 7 metres south east of the easterly kerbline of Parsonage Street for a distance of 7 metres in a north westerly direction.