Issue - meetings

Essex Road, Brinnington

Meeting: 06/02/2014 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 19)

19 Essex Road, Brinnington - Relocation of Speed Cushions pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration


The report considers the findings of a consultation exercise for the re-location of a pair of speed cushions on Essex Road, Brinnington as a result of the new housing development.


The Area Committee is recommended to approve the relocation of the speed cushions as detailed in the recommendations to the report.


Officer Contact: Mark James on 0161 474 2077 or e mail:


Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration (copies of which had been circulated) in connection with the findings of a consultation exercise for the re-location of a pair of speed cushions on Essex Road, Brinnington as a result of the new housing development.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the following Traffic Regulation Order on Essex Road, Brinnington at an approximate cost of £3,275 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management Delegated Budget (Brinnington and Central Ward allocation):-


Revoke one pair of speed cushions on Essex Road, Brinnington - approximately 14 metres north east of the north easterly kerb line of Huntingdon Crescent.


Provide one pair of speed cushions of Essex Road, Brinnington – 75mm high x 1.9m wide x 2.55m long, approximately 32 metres north east of the north easterly kerb line of Huntingdon Crescent.