Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Review "Effectiveness of Stockport's current Planning system in the light of changed Government policy and market conditions"

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Executive (Item 8)

8 Executive Response to the Scrutiny Review "Effectiveness of Stockport's current Planning system in the light of changed Government policy and market conditions" (EDR24) pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration)


Officer contact: Emma Curle, 0161 474 3542,

Additional documents:


The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider a draft response to the recommendations made by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee as part of its Scrutiny Review "Effectiveness of Stockport's Current Planning System in the Light of Changed Government Policy and Market Conditions".


RESOLVED – (1) That the response to the "Effectiveness of Stockport's Current Planning System in the Light of Changed Government Policy and Market Conditions" Scrutiny Review be approved.


(2) That the Executive’s gratitude and appreciation be recorded for the work undertaken by members of the scrutiny review panel and supporting staff involved in the review.

Meeting: 18/03/2014 - Executive (Item 15)

15 Final Report of the Scrutiny Review "Effectiveness of Stockport's current Planning system in the light of changed Government policy and market conditions" pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To consider a report of the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee.


The existing Planning system in Stockport, including the Council’s Development Management process, team structure has undergone considerable changes in recent years. Prior to the economic downturn the Development Management and Planning Policy services were developed with a focus on a high quality customer orientated service and capacity was built up to support this. Since then there have been significant changes which have impacted on the service:


·         Economic Downturn and impact on Planning Applications

·         Removal of Planning Delivery Grant

·         National Planning Performance Framework

·         Growth and Infrastructure Act


The changing policy and market conditions present unique challenges for the Council and means that Stockport needs to ensure its current planning system remains as effective as possible within the context of officer capacity, development and community priorities. 


Given the scale of national planning policy changes, the stage policy reforms are at and the intrinsic link between national and local planning policy, this Scrutiny Review focussed specifically on local planning processes and in particular its schedule of delegation and committee system.


The Executive is invited to receive the report and request that officers prepare a response to the recommendations contained therein.


Officer contact: Holly Rae, 0161 474 314,

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) invited the Executive Meeting to consider the Final Report of the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee’s review “Effectiveness of Stockport’s current planning system in light of the changed Government policy and market conditions”.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration be requested to prepare a response to the “Effectiveness of Stockport’s current planning system in light of the changed Government policy and market conditions” Scrutiny Review and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the Executive Meeting.


(2) That the gratitude of the Executive be recorded for the excellent work undertaken by the “Effectiveness of Stockport’s current planning system in light of the changed Government policy and market conditions” Scrutiny Review Panel and others involved in the review.

Meeting: 06/03/2014 - Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Final Report of the Effectiveness of Stockport's current Planning system in the light of changed Government policy and market conditions Scrutiny Review Panel pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To consider the final report of the Scrutiny Review Panel – The Effectiveness of Stockport’s current Planning System in the light of changed Government policy and market conditions


This report is the draft final report of the Scrutiny Review Panel – The Effectiveness of Stockport's current Planning System in the light of changed Government policy and market conditions. 


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment upon the draft Final Report prior to its submission to the Executive.


Officer contact: Holly Rae/Emma Curle on 0161 474 3186/3542 or email:





A representative of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration and Councillor David Sedgwick (Chair of the Scrutiny Review Panel) submitted the final report of the Scrutiny Review Panel – ‘The Effectiveness of Stockport’s Current Planning System in the light of changed Government Policy and Market Conditions’ (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the findings of the Scrutiny Review and proposing a series of recommendations.


RESOLVED – That the Final Report and recommendations of the Scrutiny Review Panel – ‘The Effectiveness of Stockport’s Current Planning System in the light of changed Government Policy and Market Conditions’ be endorsed and referred to the Executive for consideration.