6 Health and Wellbeing Board - Joint HWB Strategy Outcome Framework - 2013-14 Q2 PDF 153 KB
To consider a report of the Director of Public Health.
The report presents the health and wellbeing performance indicators previously agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board. Data is taken from the quarterly PPRRs (Portfolio Performance Resource Reports) for the Health and Wellbeing, Adult Social Care and Children and Young People portfolios wherever possible, so that these processes are aligned.
The intention is to give the Health and Wellbeing Board an overview of current performance, and the progress of measures supporting the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Indicators have been chosen in balanced way, so as to give a snapshot of both health and social care, and wherever possible, focus on the links between the services.
The Board is invited to:-
· receive and note this report and the key indicators summarised within it;
· comment on whether the snapshot data presented in the tables give the Board the level of detail they regularly require for assurance and advising on health improvement;
· identify whether future outcome reports should include commentary on the data or key work programmes.
Officer contact: Eleanor Bannister, 0161 474 2447, eleanor.banister@stockport.gov.uk
The Director of Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing performance against a range of relevant performance indicators in the second quarter of 2013/14, aligned to the Health & Wellbeing Strategy, and seeking the Board’s view on the format and style of future reporting.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· The current performance data was broadly in line with expectations.
· Although inequalities underpinned the whole Strategy, it may be useful to have specific performance data for this issue.
· The factors underlying the increase in cancer deaths was complex – it may not be that there were more deaths but success in reducing death from other causes had resulted in a greater proportion of deaths being attributable to cancer. Similarly with rates of malignant melanoma, although there was higher incidence for which Stockport was an outlier, this was not the case for deaths.
· Including information on healthy life expectancy would be useful. There was a concern that the Office of National Statistic would soon cease to collect data on healthy life expectancy as well as range of other areas such as cot death.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the Director of Public Health be requested to include performance data on inequalities and health life expectancy in future reports.
(3) The Chair be recommended to write to the Office of National Statistics to inform them of the Board’s concerns about potential changes to the collection and publication of data relevant to the work of the health and social care partners, particularly in relation to healthy life expectancy, and rates of sudden infant death syndrome.