Issue - meetings

Stockport’s Adult Autism Strategy and Self-Assessment return

Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 8)

8 Stockport’s Adult Autism Strategy and Self-Assessment return pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for People.


The report summarises the key findings of a self assessment carried out on the implementation of the national Adult Autism Strategy, and how this has informed the development of a local Strategy.


The Health Wellbeing Board is asked to:


·      Note progress to date and discuss any issues that require further attention or inclusion.

·      Recommend any further actions to address any issues raised in the self-assessment.

·      Comment and any recommendations in light of the draft Autism Strategy.


Officer contact: Vince Fraga, 0161 474 4401,

Additional documents:


A representative of the Service Director (Adult Social Care) (Stockport Council) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising the key findings of the self-assessment carried out on the implementation of the national Adult Autism Strategy and how this had informed the development of a local Strategy. A copy of the draft Strategy, which had been the subjection of consultation with stakeholders, was also submitted for consideration by the Board.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Responding to the needs of residents with autism should be the concern of all agencies, not just the Council. It was important that the positive multi-agency work taking place continue, even though agencies were having to cope with reducing resources. Although a local strategy had been developed, it was important that the issues considered as part of the planning of mainstream services rather than being seen as a specialist service.

·         The transition from children to adult services was a concern for parents and carers, and this was included within the scope of the review of Disability Services. The Children and Families Bill, once enacted, would place new requirements on local authorities in relation to those with learning disabilities, particularly around the review and planning of services. The Council was developing a new approach to meet these requirements which would also encompass those with autism.

·         Although the Autism Partnership had ceased to meet, there remained a commitment from partners to engage with stakeholders but to do so in a constructive and effective way.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report and draft Autism Strategy be noted.


(2) That the progress made to date in responding to the requirements of the Autism Act and the National Autism Strategy be noted.


(3) That Karen Kime and colleagues be thanked for their hard work in preparing the self-assessment and draft Strategy.


(4) That the Corporate Director for People (Stockport Council) be requested to submit a report to a future Board meeting on the local response to the likely requirements of the Children and Families Bill.


(5) That the Democratic Services Manager be requested to circulate details to members of the Board on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment analysis of autism.