Issue - meetings

Winterbourne View Concordat Self Assessment

Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 3)

3 Winterbourne View joint improvement programme - stocktake of progress report pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for People.


The report has been prepared in response to the publication of the findings of an LGA/ NHS England national evaluation or stocktake of progress by local authorities in implementing the Winterbourne View Concordat, and updates the Board on the local situation and the main implications of the evaluation for Stockport.  The report also provides an update on the Learning Disability Self Assessment Outcome


The Executive Summary of the Stocktake has been included in the agenda papers, but a full copy can be found on the LGA Website at


The Board is asked to comment upon the summaries above with a view to advising the Learning Disability Joint Strategic Commissioning Group of any actions to be undertaken.


Officer contact: Mark Warren, 0161 474 5364,

Additional documents:


A representative of the Service Director (Adult Social Care) (Stockport Council) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Board with an update on progress with the implementation of the Winterbourne View Action Plan and the undertaking of ‘stocktakes’ of services for those with learning disabilities. The report also provided an update on the outcomes of the Learning Disability Self-Assessment.


It was highlighted that while local performance was ‘red’ in some areas, this reflected the national situation and that Stockport’s performance was broadly in line with the national average. Nonetheless, local partners were committed to improving performance and outcomes wherever possible.


The Chair welcomed the report and the hard work being undertaken that demonstrated the commitment of partners to this serious area of work.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and officers involved be thanked for their hard work.

Meeting: 06/11/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 8)

8 Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment Framework - Learning Disabilities pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To consider a joint report of the Chief Operating Officer, Stockport CCG and the Service Director (Adult Social Care), Stockport Council.


The report sets out the process and results for the Stockport locality in undertaking the Joint Health and Social Care Self-assessment exercise. The report also sets out the actions needed that will help address inequalities in health and improve the lives of people with learning disabilities in Stockport. The Board considered an interim report at its meeting in June 2013.


The Health and Well-being Board is invited to: -


·         note and comment on the report

·         Support the ratings for final submission.


Officer contact: Gina Evans/ Mark Warren / Barbara Mitchell, 0161 426 5516/ 0161 474 5364/ 0161 218 1273

Additional documents:


A report of the Chief Operating Officer (Stockport CCG) and the Service Director (Adult Social Care) (Stockport Council) was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the process and results for the Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment exercise that had taken place in Stockport, identifying where further action was needed to address inequalities in health and quality of life for people with learning disabilities in Stockport.


Since publication of the report, further data had been analysed and there was sufficient evidence to recommend that performance against two of the indicators marked as ‘red’ should now be considered ‘amber, namely ‘Assurance of Monitor Compliance for Foundation Trust’ and ‘Assurance of safeguarding for people with learning disability in all provided services and support’.


Members commented that the report highlighted inadequate data handling and sharing arrangements in the NHS which was hampering efforts to improve outcomes.


Members also commended the work done to complete the self-assessment and to improve services and outcomes as a result.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the ratings contained in Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment be accepted for submission to NHS England, Department of Health and the Association of Directors of Social Services, subject to the re-rating to ‘amber’ of the following measures:-


·         Assurance of Monitor Compliance for Foundation Trust

·         Assurance of safeguarding for people with learning disability in all provided services and support


(3) That the thanks of the Board be recorded for the hard work of those involved in completing the Self-Assessment.