Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Plan Update (December 2013)

Meeting: 17/12/2013 - Executive (Item 12)

12 Medium Term Financial Plan Update (December 2013) (LDR31) pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To consider a report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance)


In light of important announcements contained in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement on 5 December 2013, further consideration of the implications for Stockport and the content of this report are required. Therefore, this report has been marked ‘to follow’.


Officer contact: Steve Houston/ Andy Moran, 0161 474 4000/ 4086,,

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Executive Meeting on the forecasts for the Council’s finances for the period 2014/15 to 2016/17, to inform the development of a balanced and sustainable budget for 2014/15 and the updating of the priorities and outcomes for the Council Plan.




·         the position for 2013/14 previously reported in the half-year Corporate Performance and Resources Report be noted;


·         the outlook for local government finance and, in particular, the forecast for business rates in 2014/15 be noted;


·         the proposal for the creation of a new Integrated Prevention and Universal Service be approved and the Corporate Director for People, in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Children & Young People) be authorised to conclude the agreement on the allocation of savings between partners as outlined in the report (paragraphs 4.14 to 4.21);


·         the progress with regard to the consultation on the proposals for an alternative approach to the provision of Adult Social Care travel assistance be noted (paragraphs 4.22 to 4.27);


·         the financial forecasts and sensitivity analysis for 2014/15 to 2016/17, and the key issues to be addressed in formulating a response to the financial challenges facing the Council be noted;


·         that executive councillors and corporate directors be requested to continue to develop their spending plans and savings proposals to address the budget requirements for 2014/15 and to report on progress;


·         the steps necessary to agree a final balanced budget proposal for 2014/15 and an updated Medium Term Financial Plan to 2016/17 for presentation to the Budget Council Meeting on 27 February 2014 be taken.