Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Meeting: 27/02/2014 - Council Meeting (Item 4)

4 Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 407 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer and Community Services).

Additional documents:


The Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy to provide the framework for the 2014/15 budget and the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2014-17.


RESOLVED – (58 for) That the Medium Term Financial Strategy as detailed at Appendix One to the report be approved and adopted.


The names of those councillors voting on this resolution were recorded as follows:-


Those councillors who voted for the resolution were:-


The Mayor (Councillor Chris Murphy); The Deputy Mayor; Councillors Ben Alexander, Shan Alexander, Sheila Bailey, Brian Bagnall, Paul Bellis, Andrew Bispham, Stuart Bodsworth, Laura Booth, Walter Brett, Peter Burns, Kate Butler, Martin Candler, Richard Coaton, Christine Corris, Stuart Corris, Sue Derbyshire, Kevin Dowling, Dean Fitzpatrick, Colin Foster, Alexander Ganotis, Chris Gordon, Lenny Grice, Tom Grundy, Philip Harding, Daniel Hawthorne, Brian Hendley, Kevin Hogg, Keith Holloway, Linda Holt, Sylvia Humphreys, Pam King, Mags Kirkham, Bryan Leck, Syd Lloyd, Patrick McAuley, Tom McGee, Wendy Meikle, Paul Moss, Adrian Nottingham, Anthony O’Neill, Wendy Orrell, John Pantall, Paul Porgess, Iain Roberts, Maureen Rowles, David Sedgwick, June Somekh, Andrew Verdeille, Alanna Vine, Lisa Walker, Mark Weldon, David White, Wendy Wild, David Wilson, Craig Wright and Suzanne Wyatt.

Meeting: 11/02/2014 - Executive (Item 13)

13 Medium Term Financial Strategy (LDR29) pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To consider a joint report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) and the Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services)


The Council Meeting approved the Council’s existing Medium Term Financial Strategy on 5 March 2013. The purpose of this report is to review and update the existing strategy in support of the 2014/17 Medium Term Financial Plan and, in particular, the 2014/15 budget setting process.


A review of the existing strategy is timely given that the Council intends to set out new investment priorities for the period 2014 to 2020 and will soon embark on the development of a new programme which will need to identify and implement savings in excess of £40m by 2016/17.


The Executive is asked to recommend that the Council Meeting adopts the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy.


(Note: this decision is exempt from call-in)


Officer contact: Andrew Moran, 0161 474 4086,

Additional documents:


A joint report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) and the Executive Councillor (Corporate, Customer & Community Services) was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider an updated Medium Term Financial Strategy that would support the development of the Medium Term Financial Plan and the 2014/15 budget setting process.


RESOLVED – That the Council Meeting be recommended to adopt the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy.