Issue - meetings

Bramhall Moor Lane & Pepper Road, Hazel Grove - No Waiting Restrictions

Meeting: 08/08/2013 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Bramhall Moor Lane & Pepper Road, Hazel Grove - No Waiting Restrictions pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


Following recent works to improve the junction at Bramhall Moor Lane and Pepper Road to reduce congestion associated with the busy Industrial Estate, it is proposed to introduce No Waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) on part of the Pepper Road to consolidate these improvements.


The Area Committee is invited to consider and approve those elements of the proposals that fall within its area and the recommend that the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) approve the elements within his remit.


Officer contact: Max Townsend on 0161 474 4861 or email:




Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Management) (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposals to introduce No Waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) on part of the Pepper Road to consolidate recent works to improve the junction at Bramhall Moor Lane and Pepper Road to reduce congestion associated with the busy Industrial Estate.


The representative of the Democratic Services Manager reported that the Stepping Hill Area Committee at its meeting on 6 August 2013 had given approval to that part of the proposals which fell within its remit.


RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the following:-


No Waiting at Any Time


Pepper Road - South West side from a point 15 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb line of Bramhall Moor Lane for a distance of 28 metres in a North Westerly direction.


(2) That it be noted that the Stepping Hill Area Committee had given approval to that part of the proposals identified in ‘Part II’ of the report.


(3) That the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) be recommended to give approval to that part of the proposals identified in Part III of the report.

Meeting: 06/08/2013 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 7)

7 Bramhall Moor Lane & Pepper Road, Hazel Grove - No Waiting Restrictions pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


Following recent works to improve the junction at Bramhall Moor Lane and Pepper Road to reduce congestion associated with the busy Industrial Estate, it is proposed to introduce No Waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) on part of the Pepper Road to consolidate these improvements.


The Area Committee is invited to consider and approve those elements of the proposals that fall within its area and the recommend that the Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee and the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) approve the elements within their remit.


Officer contact: Max Townsend, 0161 474 4861,

Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Management) (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Area Committee to consider proposals to introduce No Waiting restrictions on parts of Bramhall Moor Lane and Pepper Road in Hazel Grove to complement the recent works to improve the junction and reduce congestion.


The report set out the proposals that had been subject to consultation with local businesses, and a further revised and reduced set out proposals developed as a result of the consultation feedback.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) be recommended to agree the original, more extensive proposals for Waiting Restrictions on Bramhall Moor Lane and Pepper Road, but that he be recommended to only implement the reduced proposals and that the effectiveness of these be monitored for an appropriate period of time.


(2) That the following restrictions, in so far as they were within the delegated authority of the Area Committee to agree, be approved:-


No Waiting at Any Time:


Pepper Road


South West side from a point 43 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb line of Bramhall Moor Lane for a distance of approx. 108 metres in a North Westerly direction to the start of the Unadopted Access Road at the NXP site; then from the limit of Adopted Highway on the North Westerly side in an Easterly direction for a distance of 16 metres continuing in a North Easterly direction for a distance of 50 metres.


South west side from a point 15 metres North West of the projected North Westerly building line of International House for a distance of 54 metres in a North Westerly direction.


South west side from a point 93 metres North West of the Projected North Westerly building line of International House for a distance of 95 metres in a North Westerly direction.


South West side from a point 220 metres North West of the projected North Westerly building line of International House for a distance of 10 metres in a North Westerly direction.


North East side from a point 15 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb line of Bramhall Moor Lane for a distance of 44 metres in a North Westerly direction.


North East side from a point 114 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb line of Bramhall Moor Lane for distance of 15 metres in a North Westerly direction continuing North Easterly for a distance of 15 metres.


South East side from a point 60 metres South West of the Southerly kerb line of the Access Road to Pepper House for a distance of 33 metres in a North Easterly direction.


East side from a point 10 metres South West of the Southerly kerb line of the Access Road to Pepper House to a point 10 Metres North West of the Northerly kerb line of the same Access Road.


North East side from a point 23 metres South East of the projected North Westerly building line of International House for a distance of 33 metres in a North Westerly direction.


North East side from a point 73 metres North West of the projected North Westerly building line of International house for a distance of 30 metres in a North Westerly direction.


North East side from a point 140 metres North West of the projected North Westerly building line of International House for a distance of 28 metres in a North Westerly direction.


North East side from a point 188 metres North West of the projected North Westerly building line of International House for a distance of 49 metres in a North Westerly direction to the limit of Adopted Highway including both sides of the Access adjacent to the Electricity Sub Station.


No Waiting at Any Time:


Pepper Road


North East side from a point 59 metres North West of the North Westerly kerb  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7