Issue - meetings

Executive Response to the Scrutiny Review 'Skills and Employment'

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

15 Executive Response to the Scrutiny Review 'Skills and Employment' pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration.


The report sets out the agreed response of the Executive to the recommendations contained in the final report of the Scrutiny Review ‘Skills and Employment’.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to note the report.


Officer contact: Richard Mortimer, 0161 474 3864,


The Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the Executive’s response to the ‘Skills and Employment’ Scrutiny Review which had been approved by the Executive at its meeting held on 13 August 2013.


The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) (Councillor Iain Roberts) attended the meeting to respond to Members’ questions.


RESOLVED – That the Executive’s response be noted.

Meeting: 13/08/2013 - Executive (Item 6)

6 Executive Response to the Scrutiny Review 'Skills and Employment' (EDR22) pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration)


The report sets out the proposed response of the Executive to the recommendations contained in the final report of the Scrutiny Review ‘Skills and Employment’ which was received by the Executive on 16 July 2013.


The Executive is invited to agree to the responses to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review as detailed in the report.


Officer contact: Richard Mortimer, 0161 474 3864,


The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider a draft response to the recommendations made by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee as part of its Review ‘Skills and Employment’.


RESOLVED – (1) That the response to the ‘Skills and Employment’ Scrutiny Review be approved.


(2) That the Executive’s gratitude and appreciation be recorded for the work undertaken by members of the scrutiny review panel and supporting staff involved in the review.

Meeting: 16/07/2013 - Executive (Item 18)

18 Final Report of the Scrutiny Review 'Skills and Employment' pdf icon PDF 27 KB

To consider a report of the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee.


The scrutiny review examined the challenges facing Stockport’s working-age population, the support services available to jobseekers, and how effectively those services are targeted to identified need across the Borough, at a time of increased concerns over issues such as youth unemployment, long-term unemployment, and rates of job-creation.  In this challenging context the role of the Council and other public sector agencies is of critical importance in ensuring that we achieve the best possible outcomes for our residents. 


The review acknowledges a number of strengths in the current range of support services available to Stockport’s residents; but it also highlights areas where services and resources could be better used in order to bring about greater benefit both to residents and to the local economy as a whole.


The Executive is invited to receive the report and request that a response to the recommendations contained within it be prepared for consideration at a future meeting.


Officer contact: Joseph Conmee, 0161 474 5396,

Additional documents:


The Lead Councillor (Councillor David White) of the Scrutiny Review “Skills and Employment” attended the meeting to present the final report of the Review (copies of which had been circulated).


RESOLVED – (1) That the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration be requested to prepare a response to the “Skills and Employment” Scrutiny Review and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the Executive Meeting.


(2) That the gratitude of the Executive be recorded for the excellent work undertaken by the “Skills and Employment” Scrutiny Review Panel and others involved in the review.