Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/05/2015 - Council Meeting (Item 1)

1 Election of Mayor pdf icon PDF 34 KB

(a)     To elect a Mayor for the ensuing year.


(b)     The person elected to make a declaration of acceptance of office.


(c)     The Mayor to return thanks for his election.

Additional documents:


MOVED BY                           Councillor Tom Grundy


SECONDED BY                  Councillor Walter Brett


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That Councillor Andrew Verdeille of 129 Somerford Road Reddish, Stockport be elected Mayor of this Borough for the period to the next Annual Council Meeting.


Councillor Verdeille then made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office required by law to qualify him to act in the office of Mayor.


The Mayor (Councillor Andrew Verdeille) in the chair


The Mayor expressed thanks to the Council for his election.

Meeting: 10/06/2014 - Council Meeting (Item 1)

1 Election of Mayor pdf icon PDF 12 KB

(a)     To elect a Mayor for the ensuing year.


(b)     The person elected to make a declaration of acceptance of office.


(c)     The Mayor to return thanks for his election.

Additional documents:


MOVED BY                           Councillor Christine Corris


SECONDED BY                  Councillor Hazel Lees


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That Councillor Kevin Hogg of 10 Tiree Close, Hazel Grove, Stockport be elected Mayor of this Borough for the period to the next Annual Council Meeting.


Councillor Hogg then made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office required by law to qualify him to act in the office of Mayor.


The Mayor (Councillor Kevin Hogg) in the chair


The Mayor expressed thanks to the Council for his election.

Meeting: 21/05/2013 - Council Meeting (Item 1)

1 Election of Mayor pdf icon PDF 11 KB

(a)     To elect a Mayor for the ensuing year.


(b)     The person elected to make a declaration of acceptance of office.


(c)     The Mayor to return thanks for her election.

Additional documents:


MOVED BY                           Councillor Maureen Rowles


SECONDED BY                  Councillor Andy Sorton


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That Councillor Chris Murphy of 501 Hempshaw Lane, Stockport be elected Mayor of this Borough for the period to the next Annual Council Meeting.


Councillor Murphy then made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office required by law to qualify him to act in the office of Mayor.


The Mayor (Councillor Chris Murphy) in the chair


The Mayor expressed thanks to the Council for his election.