Issue - meetings

Use of Commuted Sums in the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South Area

Meeting: 06/06/2013 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee (Item 15)

15 Use of Commuted Sums in the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South Area pdf icon PDF 28 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management).


The report details proposals for the use of commuted sums for play provision in the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South Area and requests the Area Committee to give consideration to the location of those play areas where those sums should be spent.


The Area Committee is recommended to give approval to the allocation of commuted sums as detailed in the report.


Officer contact: Ian Walmsley on 474 4382 or email:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Management) (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposals for the use of commuted sums for play provision in the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South Area and requesting the Area Committee to give consideration to the location of those play areas where those sums should be spent.


The representative of the Democratic Services Manager reported that at the 11 April 2013 meeting of the Area Committee, approval had been given to the allocation of £669.24 from development no. 1065 (DC048542, 3 Hilltop Avenue, Cheadle Hulme) to Hesketh Park and £334.62 from development no. 1069 (DC051067, 5 Mellor Road, Cheadle Hulme) to Oak Meadow Park.  The report stated that although the allocation of commuted sums to those parks would meet the relevant criteria for the use of those sums, the concern was expressed that as there was no existing play provision at those locations it was likely that the sum would not be spent within the proscribed eight year



RESOLVED – That consideration of this item be deferred until the next meeting of the Area Committee pending clarification of the criteria for the allocation of and usage of commuted sums within parks.

Meeting: 11/04/2013 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee (Item 13)

13 Use of Commuted Sums in the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South Area pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management).


The report details proposals for the use of commuted sums for play provision in the Werneth Area and requests the Area Committee to give consideration to the location of those play areas where those sums should be spent.


The Area Committee is recommended to give approval to the allocation of commuted sums as detailed in the report.


Officer contact: Ian Walmsley on 474 4382 or email:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Management) (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposals for the use of new commuted sums for play provision in the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South area and locations of the play areas where these sums are to be spent.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the following allocations of commuted sums for the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South area:-


·         £6,357.78 at Bramhall Park towards new improved swings and rotators.

·         £13,354.04 at Heathbank Road Play Area towards new toddler equipment and improvements to junior equipment safer surfacing.

·         £1,673.10 at Lumb Lane Recreation Ground for a new multi-play unit.

·         £669.24 at South Park towards a new rotating item and and improved surfacing.

·         £669.24 at Thorn Grove Play Area towards future improvements to the play equipment.

·         £1,265.07 at Woodford Recreation Ground towards the future improvement of the skate ramp at Woodford Recreation Ground.

·         £669.24 at Hesketh Park subject to confirmation that this allocation met the necessary criteria for the use of the commuted sum.

·         £334.62 at Oak Meadow Park subject to confirmation that this allocation met the necessary criteria for the use of the commuted sum.