Issue - meetings

The Scrutiny Work Programme 2013/14

Meeting: 10/09/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Health Inequalities Scrutiny Review

The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider issues related to health for inclusion in the Joint Scrutiny Review on Inequalities.


The Chair invited the Scrutiny Committee to consider issues for inclusion in the scope for the Joint Scrutiny Review ‘Tackling Inequalities’, particularly those relating to the remit of this Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The approach of partners in Stockport to tackling inequalities was very much focussed on geographic areas and work was co-ordinated through Neighbourhood Management areas. This could often mask significant variation in inequalities within areas. An example was the Brinnington & Central Ward where settled populations may have better health than those within housing used for more transient residents.

·         It would be a challenge to identify transient residents as part of a data gathering exercise, but there may be methods of making an approximation. GP lists might also give some indication.

·         Focussing too heavily on specific factors may not take account of the wider determinants of inequalities and so targeted interventions and projects may not result in the significant improvements envisaged.

·         The coincidence of high concentrations of social housing, the motorway and flight paths may contribute to poorer air quality and impact on health outcomes for those in Lancashire Hill.


RESOLVED – That the Joint Scrutiny Review Panel ‘Tackling Inequalities’ be recommended to include within its scope the following issues in relation to health:-


·         the impact of transient populations

·         small pockets of deprivation within areas of affluence, focussing the Cherry Tree estate, Romiley and the Marbury Road area in Heaton Chapel

·         the proposed inequalities pilot

·         air quality along the M60 in the vicinity of Lancashire Hill and the impact on health.

Meeting: 23/07/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Scrutiny Review

To consider a verbal update from the Chair / Democratic Services Manager

Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Scrutiny Committee with a proposed methodology for the review of inequalities being undertaken jointly with the Adult Care Services & Housing and Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and any councillor wishing to take part in the Review be requested to notify the Democratic Services Manager by the end of July.

Meeting: 18/04/2013 - Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Selection of Scrutiny Review Topics 2013/14

To consider the selection of Scrutiny Review Topics for 2013/14.


Scrutiny Committees are being invited to consider potential Scrutiny Reviews to be undertaken during the 2013/14 municipal year. This will facilitate the approval of an initial Scrutiny Work Programme at the Council Meeting on 27 June which would enable the reviews to commence much earlier than in previous years.


There would be a further opportunity for the selection of any additional topics following the commencement of the new Municipal Year which could take into account the outcome of the consultation on the Executive Savings proposals. Once the Scrutiny Committee have had the opportunity to undertake any further appraisal of their review topics, the Scrutiny Work Programme may be further considered at the Council Meeting on 12 September for the remainder of the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to give consideration to the selection of Scrutiny Review Topics for the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


Officer contact: David Clee on 0161 474 3137 or e mail:






A representative of the Democratic Services Manager invited the Scrutiny Committee to consider potential Scrutiny Review topics to be undertaken during the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED – That the Assistant Chief Executive (Policy, Strategy, Partnerships and Transformation)  be requested to submit a report to the next meeting of this Committee in connection with the following potential Scrutiny Review topics:-


           Regeneration of the Town Centre (including Portas Pilot)

           Future Burial Provision

           The relationship between the planning process and the consequent obligations that fall on the maintenance of the public realm by the Council

           Planning and consistency of service delivery

           The Employment Hub

           Extending participation of Stockport residents in household recycling

           Extending participation of Stockport residents in home insulation.

Meeting: 16/04/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 The Scrutiny Work Programme 2013/14

To consider the selection of Scrutiny Review Topics for 2013/14.


Scrutiny Committees are being invited to consider potential Scrutiny Reviews to be undertaken during the 2013/14 municipal year.  This will facilitate the approval of an initial Scrutiny Work Programme at the Council Meeting on 27 June which would enable the Reviews to commence much earlier than in previous years.


There would be a further opportunity for the selection of any additional topics following the commencement of the new Municipal Year which could take into account the outcome of the consultation on the Executive Savings proposals.  Once the Scrutiny Committees have had the opportunity to undertake any further appraisal of their review topics, the Scrutiny Work Programme may be further considered at the Council Meeting on 12 September for the remainder of the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to give consideration to the selection of Scrutiny Review Topics for the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


Officer contact: Jonathan Vali, 0161 474 3201,



A representative of the Democratic Services Manager invited the Scrutiny Committee to consider potential Scrutiny Review topics to be undertaken during the 2013/14 municipal year.


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager also reported on an issue raised by the Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee on 11 April 2013 in relation to the identification of a problem for a child, young person or family, including bullying or harassment through a multi-agency response. The Area Committee had recommended that this Committee give consideration to the development of the multi-agency safeguarding and support hub which aimed to ensure better and more intelligent information sharing between key public sector agencies.


RESOLVED – (1) That consideration of Scrutiny Review topics for 2013/14 be deferred until the next meeting.


(2) That a further update be provide to a future meeting on the multi-agency approach to bullying and harassment. 

Meeting: 26/03/2013 - Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee (Item 7)

The Scrutiny Work Programme 2013/14


It was suggested that Scrutiny Committees be invited to consider potential Scrutiny Reviews to be undertaken during the 2013/14 municipal year during the April cycle of meetings. Whilst it is acknowledged that the membership of the Scrutiny Committees may change, the advantage was that an initial  Scrutiny Work Programme could be approved by the Council Meeting on 27 June enabling the Reviews to get underway much earlier than in previous years.


There would still be an opportunity for any new members of scrutiny committees to contribute to the selection of further topics and perhaps once the consultation on the Executive Savings proposals has concluded it may be sensible to review the Scrutiny Work Programme at the Council Meeting on 12 September for the remainder of the municipal year.


RESOLVED – That Scrutiny Committees be invited to consider potential Scrutiny Reviews to be undertaken during the 2013/14 municipal year during the April cycle of meetings.