Issue - meetings

18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor

Meeting: 19/06/2014 - Planning & Highways Regulation Committee (Item 6)

6 DC055003 - 18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing residential dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden.


The Area Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.


Officer contact: Karyn Clarke on 474 3551 or email:


In respect of plan no. 55003 for the demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing residential dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden at 18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor, it was


RESOLVED – (7 for, 4 against) That planning permission be granted subject to removal of permitted development rights.

Meeting: 03/06/2014 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 5)

5 DC055003 - 18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing residential dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden.


The Area Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.


In relation to plan no. 55003 for the demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing residential dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden at 18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor


a member of the public spoke against the application on behalf of local residents, and


a representative of the applicant spoke in support of the application.


It was then


RESOLVED – (1) That the Planning & Highways Regulation Committee be recommended to undertake a site visit in view of the Area Committee’s concerns about the impact of the development on residential privacy and amenity, and concerns about access and parking at the site.


(2) That the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration be requested to invite the applicant to mark out the site with the dimensions of the proposed development for the benefit of the visiting team.

Meeting: 04/06/2013 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 12)

12 DC051864 - 18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor pdf icon PDF 512 KB

Demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing residential dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden.


The Area Committee is recommended to grant planning permission but to defer and delegate the final decision to officers to determine upon the securing of commuted sum in respect of the provision or recreation and amenity open space.


(NOTE: This item had been deferred from the previous meeting held on 9 April 2013)



In respect of plan no. 51864 for the demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden (consideration of which had been deferred from the meeting on 9 April 2013), it was


RESOLVED – That planning permission be refused on the grounds that the proposed dwelling constitutes overdevelopment of the site by virtue of its scale, siting and design and would give rise to an unacceptable level of overlooking which would be prejudicial to the privacy and amenity of adjoining residential properties contrary to policy SIE-1 "Quality Places" of the adopted Stockport Core Strategy DPD and the Council’s “Design of Residential Development” Supplementary Planning Document; the proposed dwelling would harmful to the character of the streetscene by virtue of its siting and design and would be contrary to policy SIE-1 "Quality Places" of the adopted Stockport Core Strategy DPD and the Council’s “Design of Residential Development” Supplementary Planning Document.

Meeting: 09/04/2013 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 5)

5 DC051864 - 18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing residential dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden.


The Area Committee is recommended to grant planning permission but to defer and delegate the final decision to officers to determine upon the securing of commuted sum in respect of the provision or recreation and amenity open space.


In respect of plan no. 51864 for the demolition of existing double garage, partitioning of existing residential dwelling plot with new detached dwelling in existing side garden, at 18 Ravenoak Road, Woodsmoor,


a resident spoke against the application on behalf of local residents, and


a representative of the applicant spoke in support.


It was then


RESOLVED – That consideration of the application be deferred to allow for verification of the separation distances between habitatable room windows of the proposed new dwelling and those of nos. 2, 4, 6 Edmonton Road, nos. 56 and 58 Woodsmoor Lane and no. 18 Ravenoak Road.