Issue - meetings

Use of Commuted Sums in the Stepping Hill Area Committee

Meeting: 09/04/2013 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 13)

13 Use of Commuted Sums in the Stepping Hill Area Committee pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The report sets out proposals to use commuted sums from planning contributions for enhancements to local parks and areas of play. The proposals in the report include allocating sums for use in Green Lane Recreation Grond (£501.93), Clarendon Road Park (£1338.48) and Great Moor Park (£2,509.65).


The Area Committee is recommended to approve the use of the commuted sums as detailed in the report.


Officer contact: Ian Walmsley, 0161 474 4382,



A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Management) (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Area Committee to consider the allocation of commuted sums received from planning permissions for use in local parks and open spaces.


RESOLVED – That the following allocation of planning commuted sums be approved:-


Green Lane Recreation Ground - £501.93 from development no.1039

Clarendon Road Play Area - £1338.48 from development no. 1040

Great Moor Park - £2676.96 from development nos. 1072 (£2,509.65) and 1078 (£167.31).