Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance and Resources Report - 2012/13 Third Quarter Update (Non-Key)

Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Third Quarter 2012/13 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Development) and Service Director (Place Management)


The report provides a detailed overview of performance which relates to this Scrutiny Committee.


The information is provided in the form of the Quarter 3 2012 Portfolio Performance and Resources Reports for each of the Economic Development and Regeneration, Public Realm and Sustainable Future Portfolios.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:-


(1)  Review the current levels of performance;

(2)  Highlight key areas of, and responsibility for, taking forward corrective action to address any existing or forecast performance issues;

(3)  Identify how areas of strong performance and good practice can be shared in other services.


Officer contact: Doug Holland on 0161 474 2976 or e mail:

Additional documents:


The Service Director (Place Development) and the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a joint report (copies of which had been circulated) providing a detailed overview of performance which related to this Scrutiny Committee. The information was provided in the form of the Quarter 3  2012/13 Portfolio Performance and Resources Reports for each of the Economic Development and Regeneration, Public Realm and Sustainable Future Portfolios.


The Executive Councillors (Economic Development & Regeneration), (Public Realm) and (Sustainable Future) attended the meeting to respond to Members’ questions.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


           Although more shops were opening than closing in the town centre, the report did not outline which shops were closing.

           The section on the Portas Pilot Project did not demonstrate enough new developments from the previous performance report and some of the impetus for the project appeared to be being lost. Further information was requested on the outcome of the last teenage market and an update on the membership of the Town Team Committee.

           Whether any specific measures were being put in place to help stimulate the evening economy in Stockport.

           In the light of the proposals for the Bridgefield development, what dialogue was taking place with the traders currently operating on Princes Street and whose premises may be subject to a Compulsory Purchase Order.

           The Council’s performance with regard to planning applications was now under further focus given recent Government announcements. This was particularly important given the risk to Stockport should performance (especially on major planning applications) not continue to improve.

           The successful prosecution of a store in Shaw Heath which had sold alcohol to an under age child was welcomed.

           A telephone scam where residents were advised that they were in the incorrect Council Tax band.

           The slight reduction in the number of visitors to Stockport’s museums compared to the equivalent quarter last year. Applications for museum accreditation were required to be submitted by 2 November 2013. The Council was continually looking at ways at linking its diverse range of visitor attractions and promoting them.

           As the second ranking authority in Greater Manchester with regard to its overall employment rate and proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 2 and Level 3 or higher, Members enquired whether the Council could learn anything from the highest ranking authority and whether there was value in this being examined further by the Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That Members of the Scrutiny Committee be provided with further information on the outcome of the last teenage market and an update on the membership of the Town Team Committee.

Meeting: 11/03/2013 - Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Corporate Performance and Resources Report - 2012/13 Third Quarter Update pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services.


This report provides an update on progress in delivering the Council’s priorities and budget at the third quarter of 2012/13, including full-year financial and performance forecasts.


The revenue budget is forecasting an increased surplus of £5.110m, with five portfolios contributing to a cash-limits surplus of over £2m while reduced capital financing costs are contributing to a non-cash limit surplus of over £3m.


Three quarters of priority measures are forecast to improve or maintain performance this year, with 72% forecast to meet or exceed targets.


The Executive at its meeting on 18 February 2013 approved the recommendations in the report.


The Scrutiny Committee is asked to:


a)    Consider the third quarter Corporate Performance and Resources update report.


b)   Review the forecast performance and budgets for 2012/13, and progress in delivering corporate priorities.


Officer contact: Andrea Stewart / Christine Buxton, telephone number 0161 474 3243/ 4124, email /


Additional documents:


The Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on progress in delivering the Council’s priorities and budget at the third quarter of 2012/13, including full-year financial and performance forecasts.


The Executive Leader and Portfolio holder for Policy, Reform & Finance (Councillor Sue Derbyshire) and the Executive Councillor for Governance and Corporate Services (Councillor Martin Candler) attended the meeting to answer member’s questions.


It was reported that the Executive at its meeting on 18 February 2013 had approved the recommendations in the report.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The total reserves and balances had increased to £44.169M to accommodate any potential voluntary redundancy costs.

·         The report acknowledged that it would be difficult to maintain performance in the light of the budget reductions

·         The Scrutiny Committee noted the issues in relation to rental levels at the incubator/ managed workshop facilities at Broadstone and Houldsworth Mills.

·         It was noted that an Action Plan was being prepared in response to the results of the Employee Survey.

·         There was a need to continue to provide a facility for members of the public to contact the council by telephone in addition to an increase in on-line communications.


RESOLVED - (1) That the third quarter Corporate Performance and Resources update report be noted.


(2) The forecast performance and budgets for 2012/13, and progress in delivering corporate priorities be noted.

Meeting: 07/03/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Performance and Resources - 2012/13 Third Quarter Update pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Strategy & Performance)


The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed overview of the performance relating to the Health Scrutiny Committee. The individual Portfolio Performance and Resources Report for the Health & Wellbeing Portfolio is enclosed.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:-


·      Review the current levels of performance;

·      Highlight key areas of, and responsibility for, taking forward corrective action to address any existing or forecast performance issues;

·      Identify how areas of strong performance and good practice can be shared in other services.


Officer contact: Donna Sager, 0161 474 3928,


The Service Director (Transformation & Commissioning) submitted the Health & Wellbeing Portfolio Performance and Resource Report (copies of which had been circulated) for the third quarter of 2012/13.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Clarification was sought on the responsibilities for school nursing and immunisation/ screening in schools and the relationship between the two services. It was stated that school nursing would be commissioned locally with immunisation being commissioned by Public Health England.

·         In response to a question it was stated that rates for MMR vaccinations had improved since the previous drop, but that coverage was a concern and may be leading to increased rates of measles. The CCG would commission catch up immunisations through GPs.

·         Concerns were expressed about the upward trend in adult safeguarding meetings.


RESOLVED – (1) That the third quarter Health & Wellbeing Portfolio Performance and Resources Report be noted.


(2) That the Democratic Services Manager be requested to invite representatives of Public Health England to a future meeting to discuss their activity in Stockport.


(3) That the Service Director (Adult Social Care) be requested to provide further clarification of the increase in adult safeguarding meetings.

Meeting: 18/02/2013 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Corporate Performance and Resources Report - 2012/13 Third Quarter Update (Non-Key) pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To consider a joint report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) and the Executive Councillor (Governance & Corporate Services)


This report provides an update on progress in delivering the Council’s priorities and budget at the third quarter of 2012/13, including full-year financial and performance forecasts. It is supported by ten Portfolio Performance and Resource Reports, which are published as background papers and will be considered by the next cycle of Scrutiny Committee meetings.


The revenue budget is forecasting an increased surplus of £5.110m, with five portfolios contributing to a cash-limits surplus of over £2m while reduced capital financing costs are contributing to a non-cash limit surplus of over £3m.


Three quarters of priority measures are forecast to improve or maintain performance this year, with 72% forecast to meet or exceed targets.


More detailed Portfolio Performance and Resource Reports for the third quarter are available as background papers, accessible on the Council’s website at


The Executive is asked to;


a)      Review progress against delivering Council Plan priorities, portfolio outcomes and capital schemes alongside budget forecasts contained within the report.

b)      Approve the virements to the Revenue Budget set out in section 2.2 of the report.

c)      Note the cash limit and non-cash limit forecast outturn positions for 2012/13 as set out in sections 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6 of the report.

d)      Note the Retained Schools Budget and Housing Revenue Account forecast outturn positions as set out in sections 2.7 and 2.8 of the report.

e)      Note and approve the contributions to/from earmarked reserves and balances as set out in section 2.9 of the report including the recommendations set out at paragraph 2.9.6 in relation to transfers to the MTFS Reserve, the Solutions SK Trading Reserve and General Fund Balances. 

f)       Note the forecast outturn for the 2012/13 Capital Programme as set out in section 3.1 of the report.

g)      Approve the changes to the Capital Programme as set out in paragraph 3.1.4

h)      Approve the resourcing of the Capital Programme as set out in section 3.4.

i)       Identify key areas for further investigation and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any existing or forecast issues or risks.


Officer contact: Andrea Stewart/ Christine Buxton (0161 474 3243/ 4124, /

Additional documents:


A joint report of the Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) and the Executive Councillor (Governance & Corporate Services) was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Executive Meeting with an update on progress in delivering the Council’s priorities and budget at the third quarter of 2012/13, including full-year financial and performance forecasts


The revenue budget was forecasting an increased surplus of £5.110m, with five portfolios contributing to a cash-limits surplus of over £2m while reduced capital financing costs were contributing to a non-cash limit surplus of over £3m.


Three quarters of priority measures were forecast to improve or maintain performance this year, with 72% forecast to meet or exceed targets.




·           progress against delivering Council Plan priorities, portfolio outcomes and capital schemes alongside budget forecasts contained within the report be noted;


·           the virements to the Revenue Budget set out in section 2.2 of the report be approved;


·           the cash limit and non-cash limit forecast outturn positions for 2012/13 as set out in sections 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6 of the report be noted;


·           the Retained Schools Budget and Housing Revenue Account forecast outturn positions as set out in sections 2.7 and 2.8 of the report be noted;


·           the contributions to/from earmarked reserves and balances as set out in section 2.9 of the report including the recommendations set out at paragraph 2.9.6 in relation to transfers to the MTFS Reserve, the Solutions SK Trading Reserve and General Fund Balances be noted and approved;


·           the forecast outturn for the 2012/13 Capital Programme as set out in section 3.1 of the report be noted;


·           the changes to the Capital Programme as set out in paragraph 3.1.4 be approved; and


·           the resourcing of the Capital Programme as set out in section 3.4 be approved.