Issue - meetings

Proposals to Install Gates to Various Alleyways in North Reddish

Meeting: 14/01/2013 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee (Item 8)

8 Proposals to Install Gates to Various Alleyways in North Reddish pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Development)


The report requests the Area Committee to consider proposals to make a further 3 Gating Orders in the Mill Lane Area.


The Area Committee is recommended to request the Executive Councillor (Supporting) Communities to approve the proposals contained in the report.


Officer Contact: Andy Dunn on 474 4216 or email:



Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Development) (copies of which had been circulated) seeking Area Committee approval to advertise proposals to make 3 gating orders in the Mill Lane area of North Reddish.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Executive Councillors (Supporting Communities) and (Public Realm)  be informed that the Area Committee supports the advertising of proposals to make Gating Orders for the following alleyways:


·         12-30 Longford Road, 12-22 Mill Lane, 1-13 Tyrrell Road and 2-18 Welland Street.

·         32-58 Longford Road, 40-54 Mill Lane and 2-12 Tyrrell Road.

·         3-45 Mill Lane, 15 & 16 Burnham Avenue and 167 Harcourt Street.


(2) That subject to Executive Councillor approval, in the event of there being no representations against the making of the gating orders, the Area Committee supports the making of the gating orders and should there be any relevant representations the matter be referred back to Area Committee for consideration.