11. Vauxhall Industrial Estate, South Reddish PDF 390 KB
To consider a repot of the Director of Place Management.
The report provides results of a consultation process on the Vauxhall Industrial Estate project, including proposals for introducing traffic calming measures in South Reddish on Greg Street. The scheme aims to ensure that the development is accessible by sustainable modes of transport and occupiers and visitors to the development are encouraged and enabled to travel to the development using sustainable modes of transport.
The Area Committee is asked to comment on the report and recommends that the Cabinet Member (Economy & Regeneration) approves the implementation of the scheme and the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders contained in Appendix B and subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date the orders can be made.
Office contact: Nick Whelan | nick.whelan@stockport.gov.uk
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