7. Greek Street Bridge Renewal project PDF 340 KB
To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The purpose of the report is to provide an update on the works required and schedule associated with the Network Rail led Greek Street bridge renewal project. This includes providing an overview of the potential subsequent disruption and the corresponding mitigation works.
The Area Committee is requested to comment on and note the report, and endorse the following recommendations to Cabinet:
· Approve to enter into the Bridgeguard 3 agreement and make any payments to Network Rail necessary under this agreement.
· Agree that the decisions related to the necessary diversion routes are delegated to the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services in conjunction with officers following engagement with members.
· Agree that the decisions related to the final highway layout on the new structure are delegated to the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services following consultation with the Member Working Group.
Officer contact: Sue Stevenson 0161 474 4351 | sue.stevenson@stockport.gov.uk
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