11. Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 184 KB
To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance.
The report sets out planned agenda items for the Scrutiny Committee’s next meeting and the Work Programme items that fall within the remit of the Scrutiny Committee.
The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the information in the report and put forward any agenda items for future meetings of the Committee.
Officer contact: Charles Yankiah | 0161 474 3206 | Charles.yankiah@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance.
The report sets out planned agenda items for the Scrutiny Committee’s next meeting and Forward Plan items that fall within the remit of the Scrutiny Committee.
The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the information in the report and put forward any agenda items for future meetings of the Committee.
Officer contact: Charles Yankiah | 0161 474 3206 | Charles.yankiah@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the planned agenda items for the Scrutiny Committee’s next meeting and any Forward Plan items.
Members requested that a briefing paper be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee on “Empowering Parents Empowering Communities’ (EPEC) detailing the take up of it and explaining what it is and how parents get involved.
RESOLVED – (1) – That the report be noted.
(2) - That the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance be requested to make arrangements for the following item to be programmed onto the agenda for future meetings of the Scrutiny Committee:-
· “Empowering Parents Empowering Communities’ (EPEC) detailing the take up of it and explaining what it is and how parents get involved.