Issue - meetings

Objection to Tree Preservation Order – 47 Gillbent Road, Cheadle Hulme 2022.

Meeting: 12/09/2024 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee (Item 7)

7 Objection to Tree Preservation Order – 47 Gillbent Road, Cheadle Hulme 2022 pdf icon PDF 393 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report is to advise committee members of an objection/s received to a proposed Tree Preservation Order (TPO) at 47 Gillbent Road, Cheadle Hulme and to seek their decision to not confirm the Order.


The Area Committee is recommended to not confirm the Order.


Officer Contact: Peter Pollard on 0161 474 5637 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an objection received to a proposed Tree Preservation Order at 47 Gillbent Road, Cheadle Hulme.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·       Visually, the tree did not appear to make a significant contribution to the wider streetscene within which it sat.

·       There remained a public benefit to trees whether they were worthy of protection or not, and the policy of the Council was to replant as many trees as possible in respect of those trees within its control.

·       It was confirmed that following queries raised as part of the progression of this tree preservation order, the Council now undertook assessments using the most current guidance.


RESOLVED – That the Order be not confirmed.