Issue - meetings

DC/091778 Stanbank Street and Reuben Street, Stockport SK4 1PX

Meeting: 25/09/2024 - Planning & Highways Regulation Committee (Item 5)

5 DC/091778 Stanbank Street and Reuben Street, Stockport SK4 1PX pdf icon PDF 605 KB

Demolition of Existing Buildings and Structures and Erection of 9 Dwellings (use class C3) with associated car parking and landscaping.


That planning permission be granted and the Committee is recommended to delegate authority to grant planning permission to the Head of Planning subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to secure the relevant contribution towards open space.


Officer contact: Rachel Longden on 0161 474 3643 or email:

Additional documents:


In respect of plan no. DC/091778 for the demolition of Existing Buildings and Structures and Erection of 9 Dwellings (use class C3) with associated car parking and landscaping at Stanbank Street and Reuben Street, Stockport, it was


RESOLVED - That the Head of Planning be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to secure the relevant contribution towards open space.