Issue - meetings

Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting at Any Time' and introduction of a Bus Clearway on Lingard Lane, Bredbury

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Werneth Area Committee (Item 9.)

9. Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting at Any Time' and introduction of a Bus Clearway on Lingard Lane, Bredbury pdf icon PDF 310 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report sets out the findings of a consultation exercise and seeks approval for the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and the introduction of a Bus Clearway on Lingard Lane, Bredbury.


The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and Transport Services to gives approval to the legal advertising of the following TRO:


Proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) – ‘No Waiting at Any Time’


Lingard Lane, Bredbury – North Side


From a point 14 metres west of the intersection of the western kerb line of Ashton Road for a distance of 47 metres in a westerly direction.


Lingard Lane, Bredbury – South Side


From a point 24 metres west of the intersection of the western kerb line of Ashton Road for a distance of 20 metres in a westerly direction.


and the introduction of new bus clearway markings and associated time plate, and subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, the order can be made at a cost of £1,400 to be funded from the Area Committee’s delegated budget (Bredbury and Woodley ward allocation).


Officer contact: Graham O’Connor on 0161 474 5057 or email


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