Issue - meetings

Rapid Transit Strategy

Meeting: 02/09/2024 - Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Rapid Transit Strategy pdf icon PDF 378 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and the Director of Place Management.


The report details the Greater Manchester Rapid Transit Strategy which sets out the rationale and aspirations around increasing connectivity throughout Greater Manchester (GM) where new and improved rapid transit is intended to build the Bee Network, providing an integrated transport system that will support delivery of sustainable growth across the city-region.  


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:-


(1)  welcome the strategic opportunity this strategy brings for the borough, and

(2)  note that the funding has been identified for developing the business case of Next Stop Stockport as one of three Metrolink schemes prioritised for early development.


Officer contact: Mark Glynn on 0161 474 3700 or email


Additional documents:


The Director of Place Management submitted a joint report of the Directors of Place Management and Deputy Chief Executive (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the Greater Manchester Rapid Transit Strategy which set out the rationale and aspirations around increasing connectivity throughout Greater Manchester (GM) where new and improved rapid transit was intended to build the Bee Network, providing an integrated transport system that will support delivery of sustainable growth across the city-region.


The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services (Councillor Grace Baynham) attended the meeting to respond to councillors’ questions.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·       Members suggested that the next meeting of the Bee Network Committee would be a good opportunity to raise the issue of the Metrolink service being brought to Stockport.

·       Members commented that there had been public discussion of the Metrolink coming to Stockport since 1992; Stockport had been waiting a long time for an integrated transport network.

·       In response it was stated that a significant amount of work was taking place in order to deliver an integrated transport network for Stockport. The steps outlined in the report represented the first stages of that work.

·       Stockport was hopeful that it was the forerunner in being presented to Government as a ready-made, fundable scheme for the Metrolink. The council was confident that it had sufficient funding and was working with TfGM to take the strategy to the next stage.

·       Stockport had distinguishing features ahead of other authorities such as its railway station, the success and buoyancy of the town centre and a gateway into Manchester which meant that Stockport would add value to the Metrolink network.

·       It was noted by members that promises had been made to bring the Metrolink to Stockport at a GM level and it had still not happened. Furthermore, Stockport paid for the Metrolink through the Bee Network and the Great Manchester Public Transport Executive.

·       The Metrolink was a reserved matter which meant that the Government’s Treasurer must be convinced that there is a demonstrable economic benefit to it which outweighed the investment. 

·       It was also stated that some elements of the network were on the cusp of being delivered such as Cheadle railway station which was expected to open next year.

·       A Tameside to Stockport Service would, if delivered, begin in Manchester, enabling a connection between Reddish and Manchester Victoria. The ‘Restoring your Railways’ project had been cancelled, however work was still taking place to lobby for a route along that rail line.

·       The council was lobbying not only to bring the tram to Stockport but also improvements to rail, with hopes for a tram / train line to Stalybridge.


RESOLVED – (1) That the strategic opportunity this strategy brings for the borough be welcomed.


(2) That the funding having been identified for developing the business case of Next Stop Stockport as one of three Metrolink schemes prioritised for early development be noted.