Issue - meetings

Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 4)

4 Open Forum - Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The report provides an update on delivering Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan including recent successes and priorities for the next six months.


The Area Committee is recommended to:


(1) Note the progress made in delivering projects and events.


(2) Provide feedback on initial ideas for priority projects to allocate the £5,000 UKSPF which will be discussed with Hazel Grove Vision Team.


Officer contact: Helen Walters on 0161 474 3734 or email

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on delivering Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan including recent successes and priorities for the next six months.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Members thanked officers for the worked carried out at Hazel Grove district centre and welcomed improvements, including the increase in footfall.

·         The Civic Hall was recognised as an important community asset.

·         Members commented on the collaboration between the District Centre Manager and local businesses and welcomed planned events for Hazel Grove district centre, including a festive market.

·         Members also welcomed the online portal which provided advice for local businesses.

·         Improvements to the appearance of Hazel Grove district centre were noted, particularly benches and planters.   

·         Members queried whether UKSPF funding could be used for further improvements and to attract more businesses to the district centre.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.