Issue - meetings

Cheadle District Centre Action Place - Update

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cheadle Area Committee (Item 5)

5 Open Forum: Cheadle District Centre Action Plan Update pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Development and Regeneration. 


The report provides an update on delivering the Cheadle District Centre Action Plan and includes recent successes and priorities for the next 6 months. 


The Area Committee is requested to: 


a)    note the progress made in delivering projects and events; and 

b)   provide feedback on initial ideas for priority projects to allocate the £5,000 UKSPF which will be discussed with Cheadle Village Partnership. 


Officer contact: Helen Walters 0161 474 3734 | 

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Development & Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided an update on the delivery of the Cheadle District Centre Action Plan and included recent successes, as well as priorities for the next 6 months.


Darren Flannery (District Centre Manager, Stockport Council) attended the meeting to speak to the report and respond to questions from the Area Committee.


Thanks were expressed to Darren for his work to support the vibrancy of Cheadle District Centre, along with the Cheadle Village Partnership. The structure of the village partnership was commended.


RESOLVED – That the progress made in delivering projects and events be noted.