Issue - meetings

City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements – A6 Corridor Improving Journeys

Meeting: 01/08/2024 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 8.)

8. City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements – A6 Corridor Improving Journeys pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management. 


The report provides the results of a consultation process on the CRSTS A6 Corridor: Improving Journeys project, including proposals for improving bus journeys and active travel for the A6 corridor, and seeks Cabinet Member approval for the scheme.  


The Area Committee is requested to: 


a)    consider the report and note the results of the recent consultation exercise carried out with residents and businesses in the surrounding area of the proposals; and 

b)   recommend that the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services approves the proposed measures. 


Officer contact: Nick Whelan 0161 474 4907 | 

Additional documents:

Meeting: 29/07/2024 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee (Item 8)

8 City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements – A6 Corridor Improving Journeys pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


This report provides the results of a consultation process on the CRSTS A6 Corridor: Improving Journeys, including proposals for improving bus journeys and active travel for the A6 corridor, from the border with Manchester to Stockport Town Centre. The scheme aims to increase the number of people travelling by bus, improve bus journey time, the reliability of frequent services, and increase the number of people travelling using active travel. It includes measures to improve road safety, reduce bus journey times, improve crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, and cycle routes parallel and across the A6 to make walking, wheeling and cycling easier.


The Area Committee is asked to consider the contents of the report, noting the results of the recent consultation exercise carried out with residents and businesses in the surrounding area of the proposals, and recommends that the Cabinet Member (Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services) approves the proposed measures.


Officer contact: Nick Whelan,

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) providing the results of a consultation process on the CRSTS A6 Corridor: Improving Journeys, including proposals for improving bus journeys and active travel for the A6 corridor, from the border with Manchester to Stockport Town Centre. The scheme aimed to increase the number of people travelling by bus, improve bus journey time, the reliability of frequent services, and increase the number of people travelling using active travel. It includeed measures to improve road safety, reduce bus journey times, improve crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, and cycle routes parallel and across the A6 to make walking, wheeling and cycling easier.


The following comments were made/issues raised: -


·         Members welcomed the report and the long term vision and the continued pursuit of the scheme along the A6.

·         It was commented that the lack of a direct, segregated cycle lane on the A6 was disappointing. In response, it was stated that if this was to be achieved, the scheme would be subject to an increased financial and time cost, there would need to be a very large number of land acquisitions and that cycling infrastructure would need considerable investment as part of the proposals.

·         It was suggested that bus lanes could provide protection to cyclists on a direct route and that the hours of operation for the bus lanes could be extended.

·         It was commented that School Street schemes were important and had the support of parents and that enforcement cameras could be introduced to reduce the burden on volunteers.

·         Concern was raised regarding safety and lighting on the proposed cycle lanes.

·         It was stated that there needed to be a more creative approach for better bus usage and more opportunities for walkers and cyclists.

·         Comments were made regarding the St Thomas’ Primary & Infant School schemes on Buckingham Road, Brownsville Road and Tatton Road North aspects of the schemes and that it be reviewed.

·         Option 2A was the preferred option by the Committee.

·         Members expressed an interest in receiving updates as the scheme was progressed.


RESOLVED – That the Area Committee recommended that the Cabinet Member (Parks, Highways & Transport Services) approves the implementation of the recommendations contained in Section 6 of this report and that the following ‘elements’ be reviewed by officers in consultation with ward councillors and that the Area Committee be updated of the discussions and activities accordingly: -


(1)  That Elements A and E – be reviewed, especially around the subject to review of the measures over the extent of the St Thomas’ Primary and Infant Schools ‘School Street’ Schemes on Buckingham Road, Brownsville Road and Tatton Road North.


(2)  That Element B - Preference for Option 2A.