Issue - meetings

Children and Young People Plan 2024-27

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Children & Families Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Children and Young People Plan 2024-27 pdf icon PDF 889 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Director People and Integration and Director of Children’s Services.


The report sets out the vision, ambition, and overarching priorities for the next three years. It is a partnership strategy with a shared borough-wide vision and shared ambitions which can only be achieved through harnessing the skills, knowledge, and shared resources across services in public, private, and third sector to meet the needs of our communities.


The Scrutiny Committee is asked to comment on and to endorse the report for submission to Cabinet.


Officer contact: Carolyn Anderson,

Additional documents:


The Executive Director People and Integration and the Director of Children’s Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the vision, ambition, and overarching priorities for the next three years and the partnership strategy with a shared borough-wide vision and shared ambitions which could only be achieved through harnessing the skills, knowledge, and shared resources across services in public, private, and third sector to meet the needs of our communities.


The Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·       Members welcomed the work done with young people and listening to their voices including the quotes from the conversations.

·       Clarification was sought regarding what was being done to reduce the 13.5% of children and young people living in poverty in Stockport. In response, it was noted that there was an ‘early help offer’ for all families and also the focus of the family hubs was holistic to understand family pressures and experiences, with advice being provided through the family hub networks for housing, foodbanks and benefits.

·       It was commented that there has been positive outcomes for children in both primary and secondary schools this year including strong improvements.

·       Members enquired about “waiting well” and what it meant. It was stated that it meant parents who were waiting for a diagnosis or appointment from health partners with involvement from the local authority to offer additional support to those children waiting.

·       It was stated that regarding Ambition 3 – “all children and young people “can” assess and engage in education and achieve the best they can”, the use of the word “can” was a bit weak and should be stronger by using either “should” or “must”. In response, it was noted that it would be considered.

·       It was noted that in Ambition 6, there was no mention of ‘drug taking’ or how that would be tackled for children and young people with good physical and emotional health and wellbeing concerns. It was commented that Mosaic was a comprehensive offer which was really established and provided a holistic approach for young people with experts in the field of drugs and alcohol interventions which was ongoing, despite it not being mentioned in Ambition 6.

·       It was commented that in Ambition 7, regarding children in care and care leavers having a safe, stable and loving home and being equipped with the skills need to live a fulfilling, successful and rewarding life, there were no elements following the McCallister report. It was noted that additional data relating to end of care proceedings, kinship care and special guardianship orders can be included as an outcome measure to monitor the performance in these areas.

·       Clarification was sought regarding what was being done to manage/reduce the EHCP backlog. In response, it was stated that it was being managed through increased capacity and investment in education for the psychology service and the assessment teams and also some improved processes with schools. This resulted in a reduction from 638 children waiting in March 2024 to the current number of 464 in September 2024.

·       It was commented that the report was a good read and focused on outcomes rather process which was important.

·       It was noted that the ‘Plan’ would be considered by the Stockport Family Partnership Board and would be monitored by a team of key stakeholders including the ambitions and how the success would be measured. It would also be shared with the Stockport Locality Board which is Chaired by the Leader of the Council and Cabinet.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and endorsed for the submission to Cabinet.