Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/06/2024 - Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Portfolio Performance and Resources - Draft Portfolio Agreements 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report presents the draft 2024/25 Agreements for Communities, Culture & Sport and Parks, Highways & Transport Services Portfolios for consideration and comment by the Committee.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to review and comment on the draft Portfolio Agreements.


Officer contact: Alan Lawson on 0161 474 5397 or email

Additional documents:


The Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) presenting the draft 2024/25 Agreements for Communities, Culture & Sport and Parks, Highways & Transport Services Portfolios for consideration and comment by the Committee.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


Communities, Culture & Sport


·         Members welcomed the anti-poverty strategy as the number one priority. Further information related to inequality across the borough and the percentage of houses in fuel poverty was requested. It was reported that information on neighbourhood profiles would be brought to Area Committees in September 2024.

·         Members reported on the success of the Match My Project scheme and commented on the support provided.

·         It was reported that there was no rigid data gathering for digital access referrals. Members requested qualitative data for the levels of engagement with the family hub model in order to assess its efficacy.

·         The use for the reserve earmarked within the Medium Term Financial Plan for leisure would be reported to a future meeting of this Scrutiny Committee.

·         The Manchester Metropolitan University report on partnership working, antisocial behaviour and youth justice would also be considered at a future meeting of this Scrutiny Committee.

·         Members requested that poverty stigma and poverty proofing for schools be added as measures of performance.


Parks, Highways & Transport Services


·         Members referred to ‘Priority 4: Well-maintained, clean and accessible public spaces in neighbourhoods’ in relation to fly tipping and requested that more information be presented to the Scrutiny Committee in the coming municipal year about the work undertaken by the council to tackle fly tipping and the consequences faced by perpetrators. Members also requested further updates on the gully-cleansing programme during this municipal year.

·         It was reported that the council was working with the Greater Manchester Police on Operation Avro, the aim of which was to stamp down on criminal activity related to fly tipping. The council was also working with residents who struggled to access waste facilities. It was reported that, in relation to fly tipping, Stockport compared favourably with neighbouring areas.

·         Members welcomed the focus on accessibility at rail stations, in particular the planning application for the addition of lifts at Reddish North Station.

·         It was noted that this year’s council target for additional miles of 20mph speed limits in residential areas was one mile and members expressed concern at the low target figure. In response it was stated that decisions on 20mph speed limits were delegated to Area Committees and that the council hoped to exceed its target.

·         Members queried whether the funding for public rights of way included the removal of barriers to access for non-standard bicycles or wheelchair users. In response it was reported that Stockport was one of the first councils in the country to create a policy related to accessible public rights of way. It was the council’s policy to remove inaccessible A frames across the borough and this was taking place as funding allowed.

·         Members requested information on how many of the borough’s playgrounds included accessible play equipment.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.