Issue - meetings

Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol

Meeting: 27/03/2024 - Council Meeting (Item 3)

3 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol (Non-Key) pdf icon PDF 171 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Jilly Julian) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposals to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications and amendments to the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how the Council exercised its planning powers.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the proposed changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol as detailed in the report and associated appendices.

Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol (Non-Key) pdf icon PDF 345 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


The Cabinet is requested to recommend that the Council Meetings approves and adopts the proposed changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Jilly Julian) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposals to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications and amendments to the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how the Council exercised its planning powers


RESOLVED – That the Council Meeting be recommended to approve and adopt the proposed changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol as detailed in the report and associated appendices.

Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee (Item 11)

11 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the proposed amendments in the attached documents.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which set out the proposed changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications, alongside a review of the Planning Protocol to ensure that it accurately reflected the long-standing custom and practice in the exercising of planning powers.


The following comments were made/issues raised:


·         It was commented that as Area Committees would be relinquishing their involvement in household planning applications, members would like to see management information statistics on the number and nature of applications received and how they were currently processed.

·         Members highlighted concerns regarding all residents that may be affected by a planning application being sufficiently notified. It was commented that more action could be taken to raise awareness and give residents the opportunity to comment, as the proposed changes would impact the number of objections required to bring an application before the Area Committee.

·         In response, it was commented that the changes related specifically to scheme of delegation, rather than the notification process, however the comments from the Area Committee would be passed to Senior Managers in the team. 

·         Concerns were raised in relation to the increase in the call-in threshold which would require a minimum of two members under the proposed changes, particularly in wards were all members were not from the same political party.

·         It was commented that members could not always provide good planning reasons for the call-up of an application having not had a sufficient level of training. Furthermore, it was highlighted that good planning reasons could take a variety of forms and should not require the member to reference the relevant elements of the policy.

·         In response, it was stated that further and more detailed training for members would be considered.

·         It was commented that any changes should reflect subsidiarity and must always bring decisions as close to residents as possible at the most local level.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


In light of changes to the planning system, it is considered necessary to make changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. It is also considered appropriate to review the planning protocol to ensure that it accurately reflects long-standing custom and practice as to how the council exercises its planning powers.


The Area Committee is requested to consider and recommend the necessary changes to the constitution and planning protocol.


Officer contact: Emma Curle 0161 474 3542

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (copies of which had been circulated) considering the necessary changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications.


RESOLVED – That the Council Meeting be recommended to approve the proposed changes to the constitution and planning protocol.


Meeting: 06/03/2024 - Marple Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


The Area Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the proposed amendments in the attached documents.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         The reason for the change was due to a need to reduce the time in determining applications.

·         The ability of members to call up householder applications was queried. In response, it was noted that householder applications would be fully delegated to officers under the proposed changes, however approximately 90% of these types of applications were already determined by officers.

·         Members expressed agreement with the idea of efficiency and thanked the officer for the explanation given.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Cheadle Area Committee (Item 10)

10 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


In light of changes to the planning system, it is considered necessary to make changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. It is also considered appropriate to review the planning protocol to ensure that it accurately reflects long-standing custom and practice as to how the council exercises its planning powers.


The Area Committee is requested to consider and recommend the necessary changes to the constitution and planning protocol.


Officer contact: Emma Curle 0161 474 3542

Additional documents:


Meeting: 04/03/2024 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


The Area Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the proposed amendments in the attached documents.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which set out the proposed changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications, alongside a review of the Planning Protocol to ensure that it accurately reflected the long-standing custom and practice in the exercising of planning powers.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         It was noted that the proposed changes had increased the threshold for Area Committee determination from four to six representations contrary to the officer recommendation and the reason for this was to reduce costs to the Authority and improve performance around the delivery of planning decisions.

·         Members queried where the delays currently were in the system and why some applications were taking longer to determine than the Government targets.

·         It was commented that, under the proposed changes, the Area Committee would continue to have oversight of significant applications and applications that were of local importance to residents. 

·         It was queried whether multiple objections received from the same household would be considered as one objection or multiple.

·         In response, it was confirmed that objections from the same household would be treated a single objection, however if letters of objection and support were received for the same household they would be treated as separate responses.

·         Members requested that clarification around objections from the same household be considered.

·         It was noted that all householder planning applications would be fully delegated to officers for determination under the proposed changes.

·         It was commented that whilst the call-in threshold had been increased to a minimum of two Members, it was felt that this would not have a significant impact on this Area Committee. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted

Meeting: 04/03/2024 - Werneth Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


The Area Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the proposed amendments in the attached documents.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) related to significant changes to the planning system in England over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications had been introduced and most recently an increased focus was being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it was considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it was also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflected accurately long-standing custom and practice in how the council exercised its planning powers.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Members commented that the proposed increase in the number of objections which triggered Area Committee determination of a development application, from four to six, was a proportionate change.

·         In circumstances where an amendment to a development application led to the rescinding of objections, and where the final number of objections was fewer than six, the application would not be considered by Area Committee.

·         Members commented that the Constitution Working Party had given consideration to the amended guidance issued by central government which had led to the proposed amendments to the scheme of delegation and planning protocol.  


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 27/02/2024 - Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the proposed amendments in the attached documents.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) related to significant changes to the planning system in England over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications had been introduced and most recently an increased focus was being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it was considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it was also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflected accurately long-standing custom and practice in how the council exercised its planning powers.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Members asked about consultations undertaken with properties neighbouring a proposed development and queried whether those properties with a diagonal view of a proposed development were consulted.

·         In response it was stated that properties with shared boundaries to a proposed development were consulted and additional consultations were carried out at the discretion of the planning officer. Notifications of development applications were placed on site and advertised in the local press allowing for further objections to be submitted. 

·         It was noted that, under the proposals, councillors were advised to engage with the planning team in relation to any concerns related to a development application. In those circumstances officers would provide the councillor with further details of the proposal and inform them about whether the application would be supported or refused.

·         Members were supportive of the proposal that householder applications would be decided by officers and that the number of objections triggering consideration of a development application by an Area Committee would rise from four to six.

·         Members noted that Area Committees retained the right to call-up development applications.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - Planning & Highways Regulation Committee (Item 9)

9 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 166 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


The Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the proposed amendments in the attached documents.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) related to significant changes to the planning system in England over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications had been introduced and most recently an increased focus was being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


 In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it was considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it was also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflected accurately long-standing custom and practice in how the council exercised its planning powers.


It was noted that a number of applications came to the Committee where they had received no objections, and where area committees were supportive of the proposal, but required this Committee’s approval because they fell within the green belt.  In response, it was stated that currently where a proposed development was contrary to the adopted UDP, these applications required committee-level approval.  However, a proportion of such applications would no longer require committee approval due to a proposed amendment to the Scheme of Delegation to allow officers to determine applications where a current policy of the Council was out of date.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 06/02/2024 - Constitution Working Party (Item 3)

3 Proposed Changes to the Scheme of Delegation for Determining Planning Applications and the Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The planning system in England has undergone a period of significant change over recent years. During this time multiple new types of applications have been introduced and most recently an increased focus is being placed on the importance of making timely decisions.


In light of the changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions it is considered necessary to consider the need to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications. In parallel it is also considered appropriate to review the Planning Protocol to ensure that it reflects accurately long-standing custom and practice in how we exercise our planning powers.


Members are asked to consider the proposed amendments in the attached documents and to recommend the necessary changes to the constitution and planning protocol.


Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing proposals to make a number of changes to the scheme of delegation for the determination of planning applications in light of changes to the planning system and the increased emphasis placed on the speed and quality of planning decisions.  In addition, the report outlined a review of the Planning Protocol to ensure that it accurately reflected long-standing custom and practice in how the council exercised its planning powers.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The government had agreed to increase the fees for planning applications, however the Secretary of State had simultaneously stated that this needed to be accompanies by increase in performance.

·         It was further highlighted that the Council would be required to refund planning fees on most applications that were not determined within the required timescale and the changed proposed to the planning scheme of delegation were designed to address that issue.

·         The significant changes included an increase in number of representations required for applications to be required to go to committee; an increase in the number of members required to ‘call-up’ an application for determination; and the full delegation of householder applications to officers.

·         Further information was requested on the impact that would be made by the proposed increase representations to applications from four to six for applications being submitted to committee. 

·         In response, it was stated that the figure had been arrived at by the experience of officers and practice from other local authorities.  It was suggested that the impact of the proposals could be reviewed following its implementation.

·         There was broad agreement that area committees and the Planning & Highways Regulation Committee should be consulted on these proposals.

·         The proposals would have a greater impact on some area committees than others due to the nature of development in those areas.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and approach to consulting relevant committees prior to a decision being taken be endorsed.