Issue - meetings

Installation of a Generation Bench on Castle Street, Edgeley

Meeting: 25/01/2024 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 11)

11 Installation of a Generation Bench on Castle Street, Edgeley pdf icon PDF 204 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report seeks approval for the installation of a ‘Generation Bench’ on the pedestrian area of Castle Street designed by Artist and Furniture Maker, Helen Middleton, and funded by Sky through the AgeUK Hub in Edgeley (see Figure 1).


The Area Committee is requested to approve the installation of ‘The Generation Bench’ on the pedestrian area of Castle Street.


Officer contact: Richard Daniels 0161 218 1621 |







Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which sought approval for the installation of a ‘Generation Bench’ on the pedestrian area of Castle Street designed by Artist and Furniture Maker, Helen Middleton, and funded by Sky through the AgeUK Hub in Edgeley (see Figure 1).


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the installation of ‘The Generation Bench’ on the pedestrian area of Castle Street.