Issue - meetings

Stockport's Portas Pilot Initiative

Meeting: 18/10/2012 - Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

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To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Development)


As requested at the extraordinary meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 6 September 2012, this report provides an update with regard to the Constitution of the Town Team Committee, the appointment of a resident to the Town Team Committee and the proposal that a creative sub-group be formed for the Markets and Underbanks area.


The Scrutiny Committee is requested to note the report.


Officer Contact: Nicola Turner on 0161 218 1635 or e mail:




Additional documents:


The Service Director (Place Development) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update with regard to the Constitution of the Stockport Town Team Committee, the appointment of a resident to the Town Team Committee and the proposal that a creative sub-group be formed for the Markets and Underbanks area.


The following comments were made /issues raised:-


·         It was hoped in future years that the Town Team Committee would be elected by the Town Team.

·         It was clarified that the Member of Parliament for Stockport (or the MP’s representative) was an Associate/Co-opted Member of the Town Team Committee.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 01/10/2012 - Executive (Item 10)

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To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration)


The report outlines the proposals to delegate authority for spending the funding gained from the Government’s High Street Innovation Fund and from the ‘Portas Pilot’ scheme to the new ‘Town Team’ Committee, subject to putting in place procedures consistent with the Council’s role as accountable body.


The Executive is recommended to approve the transfer of responsibility for £100,000 Portas Pilot funding, £100,000 Council capital match funding and £100,000 High Street Innovation Funding to the Town Team, subject to meeting the Council’s responsibilities as accountable body and adhering to the Council’s policies and procedures for procurement and monitoring of spend and performance.


Officer contact: Nicola Turner, 0161 218 1635,


The Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider a proposal to delegate authority for the use of funding obtained by the Council from the Government’s High Street Innovation Fund and the ‘Portas Pilot’ scheme to the new ‘Town Team’ Committee, subject to the appropriate procedures being put in place consistent with the Council’s role as accountable body for the funding.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the transfer of responsibility for £100,000 Portas Pilot funding, £100,000 Council capital funding and £100,000 High Street Innovation Funding to the Portas Pilot Town Team Committee (subject to meeting the Council’s responsibilities as accountable body and adhering to the Council’s policies and procedures for procurement and monitoring of spend and performance).

Meeting: 06/09/2012 - Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee (Item 2)

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(a)       Councillors David White, Richard Coaton and Dean Fitzpatrick have requested that an extraordinary meeting of this Scrutiny Committee be held to consider Stockport’s Portas Pilot initiative.


(b)       To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Development) on the funding of the initiative.


This report outlines the proposals to delegate spending the money from the Government’s High Street Innovation Fund and the Council’s matched funding to the new ‘Town Team’ Board, subject to putting in place procedures consistent with the Council’s role as accountable body.


The Scrutiny Committee’s views are requested.


 Officer contact: Nicola Turner on 0161 218 1635, email:     


The Scrutiny Committee was informed that Councillors David White, Richard Coaton and Dean Fitzpatrick had requested that an extraordinary meeting of this Scrutiny Committee be held to consider concerns which had been expressed about Stockport’s Portas Pilot initiative. The Committee was advised that an independent Town Team Committee had been established who were responsible for influencing overall town centre issues, acting as champions on particular topics and, in identified locations, allocating funding between projects and overseeing their delivery, as well as consulting and communicating with partners and members of the public. In addition to the Executive Councillor (Economic Development and Regeneration) and Service Director (Place Development), four people who had been involved with the process were invited to address the Committee and respond to Members’ questions, namely:-


           Joe Barratt (from Screen Stockport, involved with the Portas Pilot bid)

           Ben Poland ( Member of the Selection Panel, commercial representative of the Town Team Committee and Chair of the Town Centre Business and Retail Forum)

           Christian Mancier (Member of the Selection Panel and President of the Stockport branch of the Chamber of Commerce)

           John O’Mara (Chair of the Town Team Committee and President of the Stockport branch of the National Market Traders Federation)


Consideration was also given to a report of the Service Director (Place Development) (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the proposals to delegate spending the money from the Government’s High Street Innovation Fund, the Government’s Portas Pilot and the Council’s capital expenditure matched funding to the new Town Team Committee, subject to putting in place procedures consistent with the Council’s role as the accountable body.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


           There was an under-representation on the Town Team Committee of cultural and creative groups.

           There had been a lack of consultation on the composition of the Town Team Committee and certain parties had been afforded automatic representation and co-opted onto the committee at a later date.

           The Portas Pilot in Stockport needed to be inclusive and involve as many people as possible, and concern was expressed about the adoption of a selection process. The decision to select the Town Team Committee has been made by the wider Town Team by a two thirds majority. The process adopted ensured that all sectors were represented on the Committee. However, this process and the composition of the Town Team Committee would be reviewed in the future.

           Concern was expressed that Manchester Metropolitan University was not represented on the Town Team Committee as it was developing 18-19 Market Place for art graduate business studios.

           It was felt that there had been poor communication from the Town Team Committee, and that this needed to be improved in the future between the Committee and the broader Town Team.

           The Town Centre and Retail Forum had existed before the Portas Pilot and was a similar body to the Town Team Committee. It had been difficult to get businesses to attend the Town Centre and Retail Forum.

           It was reiterated that the initiative was a pilot and by its nature would be improved and developed.

           Although the Portas Pilot focussed on regenerating the Market and Underbanks, it was important that there were improvements to the whole of Stockport Town Centre. This was the balance that needed to be addressed.

           It was clarified that although the Council was the accountable body for the funding, the Town Team Committee was the responsible body for the initiative. This was a new and difficult relationship to manage.

           Significant progress had already been achieved on a number of the Portas Pilot projects. Applicants for funding only needed to submit a light touch business case.

           The receipt of £100,000 High Street Innovation Funding to address the problem of empty shops was in addition to the £100,000 awarded as part of the Portas Pilot and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2