Issue - meetings

Ward Discretionary Fund: Woodbank Memorial Park Play Provision Scheme

Meeting: 30/11/2023 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 14)

14 Ward Discretionary Fund: Woodbank Memorial Park Play Provision Scheme pdf icon PDF 28 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report sets out a request for funds to facilitate the purchase of additional play equipment for the play area at Woodbank Memorial Park.


The Area Committee is recommended to request that the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources approves the use of £10,000 from the Ward Discretionary Fund (Manor ward allocation) towards the cost of improved play at Woodbank Memorial Park and for the funds to be deposited in Capital Schemes for Parks as soon as practicable to support future play equipment procurement.


Officer contact: Kath Hughes 0161 474 4418 |

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) of the Director of Place Management which requested funds to facilitate the purchase of additional play equipment for the play area at Woodbank Memorial Park.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources be recommended to approve the use of £10,000 from the Ward Discretionary Fund (Manor ward allocation) towards the cost of improved play at Woodbank Memorial Park and for the funds to be deposited in Capital Schemes for Parks as soon as practicable to support future play equipment procurement.