Issue - meetings

Adlington Walk Future High Streets Fund (Stockroom)

Meeting: 05/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Adlington Walk Future High Streets Fund (Stockroom) (Non-Key) pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration & Housing.


The report sets out the progress with the construction of Stockroom and details how the Council is preparing to deliver this transformational project.


The Cabinet is recommended to note the progress with Stockroom and the benefits to the people of Stockport this will bring.


Officer contact: Kathryn Rees on 0161 474 3174 or email:

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Colin MacAlister) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the progress with the construction of Stockroom and detailing how the Council is preparing to deliver the project, along with the benefits that that it will bring.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 23/11/2023 - Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Adlington Walk Future High Streets Fund (Stockroom) pdf icon PDF 263 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Strategy. 


The report sets out the progress with the construction of Stockroom and details how the council is preparing to deliver this transformational project. 


The Scrutiny Committee is requested to note the contents of the report and provide comments to Cabinet.  


Officer contact: Kathryn Rees | 

Additional documents:


The Director of Strategy submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which set out the progress with the construction of Stockroom and detailed how the council was preparing to deliver the transformational project.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:


·         It was noted that the designers of the project had designed Manchester Central Library.

·         The project was expected to be complete this time next year.

·         It was suggested that cycle parking be considered as part of the project.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.