Issue - meetings

Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan - Update

Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 8)

8 Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan - Update pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Development and Regeneration.


The report provides an update on delivering Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan, initial thoughts on how the £5,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund is to be allocated and support for Large Local Centres.


The Area Committee is recommended to:-


(1)  Note the progress made in developing the Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan.

(2)  Provide feedback on initial ideas for priority projects to allocate the £5,000 UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

(3)  Note the plans to develop an information portal to support businesses and organisations in large Local Centres. 


Officer contact: Richard Daniels on 0161 218 1621 or email

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Development and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on delivering the Hazel Grove District Centre Action Plan, initial thoughts on how the £5,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund was to be allocated and support for Large Local Centres.


The following comments were made/issues raised: -


·         The importance of local events was noted and it was reported that the Hazel Grove Carnival had added a 300 per cent footfall increase in Hazel District Centre on the day of the carnival.

·         Members commented positively on the progress on the district centre action plan and invited councillors outside of the ward to contribute to ideas for the district centre and its budget.

·         The limitations on the capacity of the district centre officers was noted, but they were committed nonetheless to support smaller centres and local businesses. Members were encouraged to contact officers with requests for assistance.

·         It was reported that the flagpole at the Civic Hall flagpole had been moved and was now accessible by the Royal British Legion.

·         It was commented that the new planters at the corner of Commercial Street and Church Street were a good addition and brightened up the area. Whilst it was noted that there was not an abundance of space in Hazel Grove District Centre, where possible, the addition of planters was a positive move.

·         Members also commented on the importance of signage and requested consideration be given to additional signage within the district centre which might help to bring trade into the area or help residents to discover parts of the centre that they had not previously been aware of.

·         It was confirmed that plans were in place to adapt the current car parking signage, along with a map for traders showing local car parks. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.