Issue - meetings

Academy Conversion Cost Recovery

Meeting: 31/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Academy Conversion Cost Recovery (Non-Key) pdf icon PDF 256 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education.


The report details a proposal that the Council adopt a policy which enables it to recover the costs incurred through the conversion of a school into an academy trust.


The Cabinet is recommended to:-


(1) Give approval be given to the proposed cost recovery policy as detailed in the report.


(2) Delegate authority to the Director of Education, Work and Skills, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education, to determine what works and costs may be charged to the school, indicated in Section 4 of the report.


(3) Delegate authority to the Director for Education, Work and Skills to determine whether a school may be charged for a delayed or deferred conversion.


Officer Contact: Chris Harland on 0161 474 3694 or email:

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal for the Council to adopt a policy which enables it to recover the costs incurred through the conversion of a school into an academy trust.


RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the proposed cost recovery policy as detailed in the report.


(2) That authority be delegated to the Director of Education, Work and Skills, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education, to determine what works and costs may be charged to the school, indicated in Section 4 of the report.


(3) That authority be delegated to the Director for Education, Work and Skills to determine whether a school may be charged for a delayed or deferred conversion.

Meeting: 11/10/2023 - Children & Families Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Academy Conversion Cost Recovery pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To consider a report of the Interim Director of Children’s Services and the Director for Education, Work and Skills.


The report provides details relating to the Local Authority’s plans to charge maintained schools for the costs of conversion to become an Academy School on a full cost recovery model.


The Scrutiny Committee is asked to comment on and recommend to Cabinet that:-


a)    A cost recovery policy is implemented at the earliest opportunity following Cabinet approval.


b)   Delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education to determine what works and costs may be charged, indicated in Section 4 of the report and reviewed on an annual basis.


c)    Delegated authority be given to the Director for Education, Work and Skills to determine whether a school may be charged for a delayed or deferred conversion.


Officer contact: Christopher Harland at

Additional documents:


The Director for Education, Work & Skills submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing details relating to the Local Authority’s plans to charge maintained schools for the costs of conversion to become an Academy School on a full cost recovery model.


The Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised:


·         Members welcomed the report and the approach being adopted to cover and recover the Council’s costs through the academisation agenda.

·         It was noted that the proposals were sensible but clarification was sought relating to the costs to the schools. In response, it was reported that it would depend on the issues at the schools with converting to an academy e.g. land and building which could often be complex.

·         Clarification was sought regarding school’s refusing to pay the costs. In response, it was stated that it was unlikely for schools to refuse, as it would be a Stockport system for the borough and a pragmatic view would be taken when working with the schools as a partnership to resolve any budget concerns.

·         Members enquired about the measurements to be adopted to recover the costs. In response, it was noted that there would be finance officers to assist the process and working with the schools directly.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Cabinet be recommended to:-


(a)  Give approval to the proposed cost recovery policy as detailed in the report.


(b)  Delegate authority to the Director of Education, Work and Skills, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education, to determine what works and costs may be charged to the school, indicated in Section 4 of the report.


(c)   Delegate authority to the Director for Education, Work and Skills to determine whether a school may be charged for a delayed or deferred conversion.