Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Progress Statement 1 - 2023-24

Meeting: 19/07/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 14)

14 Internal Audit Progress Statement 1 - 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 25 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (and Section 151 Officer)


The report informs Members of the resources utilised by Internal Audit during the period, the activities undertaken in the reporting period, and the status of work currently being undertaken.   


Audit Committee is requested to note the contents of the internal Audit Progress Statement.


Officer contact: John Pearsall on 474 4033 or Email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive (and Section 151 Officer) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which informed Members of the resources utilised by Internal Audit during the period, the activities undertaken in the reporting period, and the status of work currently being undertaken.   


The following comments were made/issues raised:


·         The Committee enquired whether the figures in section 7 of the report were the sort of volume to be expected.  

·         A short discussion took place relating to care payments and the Committee was advised that further information on this could be provided if necessary.

·         Members queried whether there were any concerns relating to the rental income section.  In response, the Committee was advised that a new system was being brought in which would make this more efficient.

·         A short discussion took place relating to STAR procurement and how far this was good value for money.

·         In response to a Member question, the Committee was advised that there were robust firewall operations in place and officers were comfortable that there were mitigations in place. However developing cyber risks remained a challenge.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.