Issue - meetings

Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements

Meeting: 03/09/2012 - Adult Care Services & Housing Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements - Adult Care Services pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To consider a joint report of the Corporate Director for People and the Service Director (Place Development).


This report was previously submitted to the 23 July 2012 meeting of the Scrutiny Committee where that element of the report which related to Adult Care Services was deferred to this meeting.


The new Executive portfolio roles and responsibilities were reported to the Council Meeting on 22 May 2012.  The refreshed Council Plan and Budget, approved by the Executive on 9 July, is supported by ten Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements (PPRAs).  These set out in detail the priority outcomes, measures, budgets, projects and risks that will form the basis for Portfolio reports during 2012/13.


The PPRAs have been approved by Portfolio Holders and published alongside the Executive report of 9 July. They are now being considered by the relevant Scrutiny Committees.


Scrutiny Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the Adult Care Services Portfolio Agreement.


Officer contact: Terry Dafter on 474 4401 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Service Director (Adult Social Care) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the new Executive portfolio roles and responsibilities which had been reported to the Council Meeting on 22 May 2012.


It was reported that the refreshed Council Plan and Budget, approved by the Executive on 9 July 2012, was supported by ten Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements (PPRAs).  These set out in detail the priority outcomes, measures, budgets, projects and risks that would form the basis for Portfolio reports during 2012/13.


The PPRAs had been approved by Portfolio Holders and published alongside the Executive report of 9 July 2012 and were now being considered by the relevant Scrutiny Committees.


The Scrutiny Committee had given consideration to the Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements that related to the Health and Wellbeing and Supporting Communities portfolios at its meeting on 23 July 2012, but deferred consideration of that part of the report that related to the Adult Care Services to this meeting.


The Executive Councillor for Adult Care Services (Councillor Daniel Hawthorne) attended the meeting to answer members’ questions.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Members asked questions in relation to the grant received as a result of a successful bid to be part of the Adult Social Care Efficiency programme.

·         Members expressed concern with regard to the number of proposed redundancies of home support workers at Independent Solutions SK and it was questioned why members of the Scrutiny Committee had not been advised of this development in advance of the meeting.

·         How realistic was it for Independent Solutions SK to continue to meet demand in the light of recent developments with regards to proposed redundancies within the organisation.

·         Further information was requested in relation to examples of integrated locality working in relation to generic care teams linkning community health services, social care services and specialist nurses.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Service Director (Adult Social Care) be requested to extend an invitation to representatives of Unison to attend the 15 October 2012 meeting of the Scrutiny Committee to address the meeting with regard to proposed redundancies of home support workers at Independent Solutions SK.

Meeting: 23/07/2012 - Adult Care Services & Housing Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To consider a joint report of the Corporate Director for People

and the Service Director (Place Development).


The new Executive portfolio roles and responsibilities were reported to the Council Meeting on 22 May 2012.  The refreshed Council Plan and Budget, approved by the Executive on 9 July, is supported by ten Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements (PPRAs).  These set out in detail the priority outcomes, measures, budgets, projects and risks that will form the basis for Portfolio reports during 2012/13.


The PPRAs have been approved by Portfolio Holders and published alongside the Executive report of 9 July. They are now being considered by the relevant Scrutiny Committees.


The new Portfolios within the remit of the Adults and Communities Scrutiny Committee are:-


·               Adult Care Services

·               Health and Wellbeing

·               Supporting Communities


Scrutiny Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the Portfolio Agreements.


Officer contact: Terry Dafter on 474 4401 or email:; Donna Sager on 474 3928 or email:; Laureen Donnan on 474 3180 or email:; Paul Lawrence on 474 4515 or email:

Additional documents:


Representatives of the Service Directors (Adult Social Care) and (Place Development) submitted a joint report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the new Executive portfolio roles and responsibilities which had been reported to the Council Meeting on 22 May 2012. 


It was reported that the refreshed Council Plan and Budget, approved by the Executive on 9 July 2012, was supported by ten Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreements (PPRAs).  These set out in detail the priority outcomes, measures, budgets, projects and risks that would form the basis for Portfolio reports during 2012/13.


The PPRAs had been approved by Portfolio Holders and published alongside the Executive report of 9 July 2012 and were now being considered by the relevant Scrutiny Committees.


It was stated that the new Portfolios within the remit of the Adults and Communities Scrutiny Committee were Adult Care Services, Health and Wellbeing and Supporting Communities.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That consideration of that element of the report that related to the Adult Care Services portfolio be deferred to the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee.