Issue - meetings

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 10)

10 Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report details the locations of council-owned parking spaces within the Stepping Hill Area where it is planned to install Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.


The Area Committee is recommended to comment on and note the report.


Officer contact: Mark Glynn on 0161 474 3700 or email: or Sue Stevenson on 0161 474 4351 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the locations of council-owned parking spaces within the Stepping Hill Area where it was planned to install Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         It was commented that an increase in charging points in Stockport was desired and were supportive of the locations proposed.

·         Encouraged more electric vehicle charging point locations in the future.

·         It was queried whether electric vehicles would be required to pay the car parking tariff during the use of the charging points.

·         In response it was confirmed that charging electric vehicles were not currently being charged, and that there was no proposal to change this. It was stated that local residents who owned an electric vehicle could also purchase a permit which reduced parking charges.

·         It was queried how private businesses with car parks could be incentivised to offer their own charging points.

·         In response it was stated that electric vehicle charging points would be encouraged as part of planning conditions or building control in future. It was suggested that there would be a natural increase in the roll-out of charging points at the smaller locations of companies, and that the cost of electrical connectivity would probably be the main point of issue with this. Transport for Greater Manchester had recently had a report that they were stepping back from the implementation of electric vehicle charging points, and were instead leaving this to local authorities to enter into agreements with companies. It was suggested that there would be a natural change from local council supported implementation to implementation as a business decision.

·         Members queried whether these bays would be policed as exclusively for electric vehicles.

·         It was responded that the use of current bays as exclusively for charging electric vehicles was enforced by the enforcement team. It was stated that this was expected for the new contract, but this could not be confirmed as a detailed lease had not yet been signed.

·         It was commented that the designation of 40% of bays in the Commercial Road East site exclusively for charging electric vehicles might be excessive based on current electric vehicle usage, and might discourage people without electric vehicles from parking and shopping in the district centre. Members queried why this number was not reduced.

·         It was responded that the Commercial Road East site had received the highest number of requests for charging points out of all proposed sites. It was stated that the company had found this to be a palatable location for the costs of installation, and that there will never be fewer than two rapid chargers installed. It was commented that the infrastructure for two more was not equivalent to an agreement to lease the bays.

·         It was commented that there was a demand for charging points in the Hazel Grove and Commercial Road area.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.