To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The repirt provides an overview of the proposed implementation of Speed Indicators Devices (SID’s) in the Werneth Area.
The Area Committee is recommended to support the SID programme and for the Highway Ward Spokespersons for each ward to be authorised to submit four potential locations where they would like the SIDs to be installed.
Officer Contact: Adam Meadowcroft on 07800 618 430 or email:
Additional documents:
A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an overview of the proposed implementation of Speed Indicators Devices (SID’s) in the Werneth Area.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· The proposed new devices represented a significant improvement on those previously deployed by the authority and would allow for better access to the data collected.
· It was suggested that consideration be given to retaining devices at specific locations for extended periods of time. In response, it was stated that research suggested that the devices lost their impact if they remained in static locations.
RESOLVED – That the Director of Place Management be authorised to determine the locations for the installation of mobile speed indicator devices within the Bredbury & Woodley and Bredbury Green & Romiley wards (four locations per ward) following consultation with the Highway Ward Spokespersons.