Issue - meetings

Revised Direct Payments Policy

Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Revised Direct Payments Policy (H&ASC4) pdf icon PDF 243 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care.


The original Direct Payment policy for adults was launched in September 2021. Following the implementation of this policy, feedback from service users and carers, stakeholders and external and internal legal teams determined that the policy needed to be reviewed to ensure that it was legally compliant. A decision was taken to carry out a formal consultation on eight proposals, some of which were linked to recent case law. The primary focus was to ensure that our Direct Payment policy is legally compliant, whilst also taking the opportunity to seek feedback on the policy and its implementation.


The Cabinet is recommended to:-


(1) Review and approve the new policy.


(2) Note the outcome of the Equality Impact Assessment.


(3) Note the implementation plans.


Officer contact: David Eckersley on 0161 218 1754 or email:

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care (Councillor Keith Holloway) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining proposals for a new Direct Payment policy that had been reviewed following consultation and adapted to ensure that it was easier to read and understand.


RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the new Direct Payment policy.


(2) That the outcome of the Equality Impact Assessment be noted.


(3) That the implementation plans be noted.

Meeting: 02/03/2023 - Adult Social Care & Health Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Revised Direct Payments Policy pdf icon PDF 159 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Adult Services.


The original Direct Payment policy for adults was launched in September 2021. Following the implementation of this policy, feedback from service users and carers, stakeholders and external and internal legal teams determined that the policy needed to be reviewed to ensure that it was legally compliant. A decision was taken to carry out a formal consultation on eight proposals, some of which were linked to recent case law. The primary focus was to ensure that our Direct Payment policy is legally compliant, whilst also taking the opportunity to seek feedback on the policy and its implementation.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:-


a)    Review and comment on the new policy

b)   Note the outcome of the Equality Impact Assessment

c)    Note the implementation plans


Officer contact: David Eckersley on 0161 218 1754 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Adult Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update in relation to the Direct Payment policy for adults was originally launched in September 2021. Following the implementation of this policy, feedback from service users and carers, stakeholders and external and internal legal teams determined that the policy needed to be reviewed to ensure that it was legally compliant. A decision was taken to carry out a formal consultation on eight proposals, some of which were linked to recent case law. The primary focus was to ensure that our Direct Payment policy was legally compliant, whilst also taking the opportunity to seek feedback on the policy and its implementation.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care (Councillor Keith Holloway) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Welcomed the revised policy and thanked officers for their honesty.

·         It was noted that there were elements of the direct payments progress that required a social worker and queried the impact that would have on residents that had not been allocated a social worker.

·         In response, it was commented that there was an ongoing piece of work to understand the role of the duty social worker and team manager with respect to them being available for queries relating to direct payments.

·         It was queried what options were available to residents that weren’t confident with technology or unable to use the online platform.

·         In response, it was stated that it was intended to produce the policy documents in various formats to ensure that it was accessible and in terms of the interface there would be a web offer and staff would be available to support residents.

·         In response to a query around staff engagement to embed the culture of direct payments, it was commented that training and involving real people with real experience of the benefits of direct payments would be key to embedding the culture within the team. Members suggested that officers contact the Speaking Out group in relation to involving people with lived experience.

·         It was noted that there was a number of characteristics within the equality impact assessment where the data was not available and commented on the importance of data recording to measure whether a policy disproportionally impacted a socioeconomic group.

·         It was queried what safeguards were in place to ensure that the payments were spent in a meaningful way and by the people who would benefit the most.

·         In response, it was commented that there would be proper auditing as part of the provision of a direct payment, with an Audit team supporting people around the account and spending in line with their Care Act assessment and agreed outcomes. In addition, there would be a social work review on a regular basis to support people with their use of the direct payments.

·         Welcomed the use of direct payments as a means to empower individuals and give them more flexibility and control around their support package.

·         It was commented that whilst it was sensible to recommend that people set up a separate bank account to administer their direct payment monies, it was difficult to set up a bank account and queried whether support would be available.

·         In response, it was confirmed that the service would support residents who wished to set up new bank accounts for the direct payments and there would be a flexible approach ensuring alternative options for any resident unable to set up a bank account. It was noted that other councils operated a direct payment delivery method of providing a debit card facility which could be an option considered in the future.

·         In response to a question relating to community engagement and ensuring residents who this affected were made aware, it was commented that the service had corresponded with affected residents on multiple occasions throughout  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8

Meeting: 24/11/2022 - Adult Social Care & Health Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Revised Direct Payments Policy pdf icon PDF 256 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Adult Services.


The report provides an overview of the proposed changes to the Adult Social Care Direct Payments Policy, which have been made in response to recent feedback. It will also provide an overview of the public consultation feedback and the equality impact assessment of the policy changes. 


The Scrutiny Committee is asked to:-


a)    Review the consultation feedback (Section 4.0)

b)   Review the EIA (Appendix 2)

c)    Comment on the Implementation Plans and Risks (Sections 5.0 and 7.0)

Officer contact: David Eckersley on 0161 218 1754 or email:  


Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided an overview of the proposed changes to the Adult Social Care Direct Payments Policy, which had been made in response to recent feedback. It also provided an overview of the public consultation feedback and the equality impact assessment of the policy changes.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care (Councillor Keith Holloway) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         It was queried whether legal services, clients and carers had been consulted in advance of the policy being adopted.

·         In response, it was stated that the initial consultation was inadequate which left the service in a vulnerable position when it came to delivering and administering the policy. As a result, a subsequent consultation has been completed in a meaningful way to produce a report that contains people’s views. It was envisaged that this policy would be produced in a way which is accessible and encompasses the spirit of the council’s objectives and what a direct payment should be.

·         Thanked officers for their honesty and welcomed the revised policy as a step in the right direction and tone of accountability.

·         It was suggested that it would be useful to explore the differences in enthusiasm between the client and carer column and staff column in each of the proposals to reflect with staff on why this is different, individual roles and where the agency sits.

·         In relation to the administration of the policy, Members welcomed the inclusion of workforce development and suggested that the operational issues be considered to deliver a timely, effective service for residents.

·         It was queried what safeguards were in place to ensure that the payments were spent in a meaningful way.

·         In response it was commented that there would be appropriate auditing as part of the provision of a direct payment, with an Audit team supporting people around the account and spending in line with their Care Act assessment and agreed outcomes. In addition, there would be a social work review on a regular basis to support people.

·         It was queried how regular these audits would take place.

·         In response it was stated that the plan was a six-monthly audit and annual social work review. However, there was some staffing capacity issues which would form part of the workforce plan going forwards to ensure those reviews were done in a timely manner.

·         Requested clarification in relation to the timeline of the policy and when this would be presented to scrutiny.

·         In response, it was confirmed that the service was operating on a draft policy at this time due to the withdrawal of the previous policy as a result of the concerns outlined. Whilst the final policy was being approved and would be considered at future meeting of the Committee, it was necessary to adopt a framework to operate within to continue to deliver direct payments.

·         It was queried what would be the position where an individual did not have a social worker.

·         In response Members were informed that there was a finite number of social workers, as a result there was ongoing discussions within the workforce work to devise a mechanism which ensured residents had regular reviews to deal with issues and the overall administrative process to prioritise the allocation of social workers to ensure residents had the right support at the right time.

·         It was noted that the report referenced that direct payments cannot be used for services or support that was considered to be the responsibility of the NHS, however noted the difficulties in accessing services such as dentistry in the current climate and queried whether it was possible for this to be revised.

·         In response it was stated that it was illegal for the local authority to fund services which should be funded by the national health service  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7