Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance and Resources Mid Year Report

Meeting: 06/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 7)

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To consider a joint report of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.


The Mid-Year (Quarter 2) Corporate Performance and Resource Report (CPRR) provides a summary of progress in delivering the Council’s priority outcomes and budget in the first half of the financial year, with a particular focus on the second quarter of 2022/23 (July to September 2022).


The Cabinet is recommended to:-


a)    Review progress against delivering council priorities and capital schemes alongside budget and performance forecasts contained within the report.

b)   Note the key achievements and other issues quarter in each of the councils seven priorities (in the Executive Summary) and analysis of corporate performance for 2022/23 (Section 2 – Corporate Performance: Overview and Analysis).

c)    Note the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit forecast positions for 2022/23 as set out in section 3.3 and 3.6.

d)   Note the update to the council’s positive investments as set out in section 3.4

e)    Note the update on the council’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) investments plan set out in section 3.5.

f)     Note the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund forecast positions as set out in sections 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9.

g)   Note the appropriations to/from reserves and balances as set out in section 3.10 and note the resulting reserves and balances position as of 30 September 2022.

h)   Note the position for the 2022/23 Capital Programme as set out in section 4.1.

i)     Note the adjustments and re-phasing of capital schemes during the quarter as set out in section 4.2.

j)     Approve the resourcing of the capital programme as set out in section 4.3.

k)    Approve the 2022/23 prudential indicators as set out in section 4.4, and

l)     Identify key areas for further investigation and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any existing or outturn issues or risks.


Officer contacts: Holly Rae on  07800 617 550 or email: or Jonathan Davies on 07891949012 or email:

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resource (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a joint report of the Cabinet Member and the Leader of the Council (copies of which had been circulated) providing a summary of progress in delivering the Council’s priority outcomes and budget in the first half of the financial year, with a particular focus on the second quarter of 2022/23 (July – September).


RESOLVED – (1) That the key achievements and other issues quarter in each of the councils seven priorities (in the Executive Summary) and analysis of corporate performance for 2022/23 (Section 2 – Corporate Performance: Overview and Analysis) be noted.


(2) That the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit forecast positions for 2022/23 as set out in section 3.3 and 3.6 be noted.


(3) That the update to the council’s positive investments as set out in section 3.4 be noted.


(4) That the update on the council’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) investments plan set out in section 3.5 be noted.


(5) That the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund forecast positions as set out in sections 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 be noted.


(6) That the appropriations to/from reserves and balances as set out in section 3.10 and note the resulting reserves and balances position as of 30 September 2022 be noted.


(7) That the position for the 2022/23 Capital Programme as set out in section 4.1 be noted.


(8) That the adjustments and re-phasing of capital schemes during the quarter as set out in section 4.2 be noted.


(9) That approval be given to the resourcing of the capital programme as set out in section 4.3.


(10) That approval be given to the 2022/23 prudential indicators as set out in section 4.4.


(11) That the key identified areas for further investigation and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any existing or outturn issues or risks be noted.

Meeting: 22/11/2022 - Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Corporate Performance and Resources Mid Year Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive.


The report provides a summary of progress in delivering the Council’s priority outcomes and budget in the first half of the financial year, with a particular focus on the second quarter of 2022/23 (July to September 2022) and reflects on the 2022/23 Council Plan, MTFP and Portfolio priorities which includes:


·       An executive summary (including highlights and exceptions relating to the delivery projects/initiatives set out in the 2022/23 Portfolio Agreements.


·       A summary analysis relating to the 75 “corporate” performance measures, with exception commentary relating to measures that are currently RAG rated as “Red” (as well as those rated as “Amber” where performance has deteriorated since the end of 2021/22).


·       A detailed financial update, including, the out-turn position on revenue and capital.


The Scrutiny Committee is asked to:


a)    Consider the Mid-Year 2022/23 CPRR.


b)    Review the progress against delivering corporate objectives, key projects, priority outcomes, targets and budgets for 2022/23 to date.


c)    Highlight key areas of and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any performance or resource issues.


Officer contacts:


Holly Rae, Head of Strategy and Design (CSS),  (0161 474 3014/07800617550)


Jonathan Davies, Strategic Head of Service – Finance (Deputy S151),  (0161 218 1025/07891949012)

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing a summary of progress in delivering the Council’s priority outcomes and budget in the first half of the financial year, with a particular focus on the second quarter of 2022/23 (July to September 2022) and reflecting on the 2022/23 Council Plan, MTFP and Portfolio priorities.


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·       Members enquired about the water income referred to as part of the Housing Revenue Account Income. In response, it was noted that the water income and water charges following a consultation some years ago,  Stockport Homes would act on behalf of United Utilities to collect water charges from tenants.

·       Clarification was sought relating to the new build income as part of the Housing Revenue Account Income. In response, it was stated that the Government relaxed the borrowing a number of years ago relating to the cap on the Housing Revenue Account, which meant the Council could borrow to build more affordable housing in the Council’s name.

·       It was commented that the report refers to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme, however, it was important and the Council should find additional ways to expand the programme rather than relocating funding.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.