Case Number P1756
To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report details the new convictions of an existing Private Hire driver.
The Committee is requested to consider whether the applicant remains a fit and proper person to continue to hold a Private Hire driver’s licence.
Officer contact: Ian O’Donnell on 0161 474 4175 or email:
Additional documents:
A representative of the Director of Place Managementsubmitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) requesting the committee to consider whether the applicant was a ‘fit and proper’ person to hold a private hire car driver’s licence in view of the applicant’s previous convictions.
The Committee interviewed the driver in relation to these matters.
RESOLVED – That the driver’s private hire licence be revoked on the grounds that the driver was not a fit and proper person to hold a licence by virtue of the driver’s recent convictions and a lack of recognition on the part of the driver of the seriousness of those convictions.