7 Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations PDF 187 KB
To consider a report of the Chief Executive.
The report requests the views of the Committee on the current proposed polling arrangements within the area in order to inform the Polling District Review currently underway.
The views of the Area Committee are sought on the proposed polling arrangements. Any comments or suggestions will then be considered, together with those received via the public consultation (Stage 1 and Stage 2). Revised proposals will be brought back to the Area Committee cycle in October 2022 for consideration prior to a final report being considered by the Cabinet Meeting on 1 November 2022 and the Council Meeting on 17 November 2022.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates 0161 474 3219 | vicki.bates@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
A representative of the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer) submitted a report of the Chief Executive (copies of which had been circulated) seeking the views of the committee on the current proposed polling arrangements within the area in order to inform the Polling District Review currently underway.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.