Senior Leadership Arrangements
To consider a report of the Chief Executive.
The Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the Council’s senior leadership arrangements.
RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the redesignation of the post of Corporate Director of Children’s Services (DCS) to Corporate Director People and Integration.
(2) That approval be given to the establishment of an additional Service Director (Deputy Director of Children’s Services).
(3) That approval be given to the deletion of the post of Corporate Director for Health and Social Care and the establishment of a new Service Director post of the Director of Adult Social Services.
(4) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive to support Place leadership including bringing in additional resource where needed.
(5) That the reporting arrangement proposals outlined within the report be endorsed.
(6) That the proposed review of current leadership structures be endorsed.
(7) That it be noted that a further update will be provided to the Committee in the summer.