Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
At its meeting on 9
March 2020, the Werneth Area Committee gave approval to the
introduction of a number of measures to improve road safety around
St Christopher’s Catholic Primary School, Bredbury, including
the advertisement of a package of associated traffic regulation
Following the publication of the decision, it has become apparent
that the wording for the revocations of the existing No Waiting
‘At Any Time’ and School Keep Clear had not been
included in the advertised legal notice; and the dimensions for the
'School Keep Clear' was incorrect in the schedule and drawing that
was approved by the Area Committee. This, if not rectified, could
lead to difficulties in enforcement as well as in the mapping of
the orders on the Council’s systems.
The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services,
following consultation with ward councillors, has therefore given
approval to the revocation of the original traffic regulation
orders, and to the advertisement of the following revised package
of traffic regulation orders and subject to the receipt of no
objections within 21 days of the advertisement date, the subsequent
making of the orders:-
Revocations of Existing Traffic Regulation Order
School Keep Clear Amendment Order 2019
No Stopping On School Entrance Markings Monday to Friday 8am
– 5pm
Warwick Road, (West Side)
Berrycroft Lane, (Southern side): East of Warwick Road
No Waiting At Any Time
Berrycroft Lane, (South side): From a point 10 metres West of the
Westerly kerb line of Warwick Road in an Easterly direction to a
point 10 metres East of the Easterly kerb line of Warwick
Warwick Road, (Both sides): From its intersection with the Southern
kerb line of Berrycroft Lane for a distance of 26 metres in a
Southerly direction
Proposed New Traffic Regulation Orders
No Loading At Any Time
Berrycroft Lane, (South side): From a point 10 metres West of the
projected Westerly kerb line of Warwick Road in an Easterly
direction to a point 10 metres East of the projected Easterly kerb
line of Warwick Road.
Warwick Road, (Both sides): From its intersection with the Southern
kerb line of Berrycroft Lane for a distance of 10 metres in a
Southerly direction.
No Waiting At Any Time
Berrycroft Lane, (South side): From a point 10 metres West of the
projected Westerly kerb line of Warwick Road in an Easterly
direction to a point 42.5 metres East of the projected Easterly
kerb line of Warwick Road.
Warwick Road, (Both sides): From its intersection with the Southern
kerb line of Berrycroft Lane for a distance of 26 metres in a
Southerly direction.
Warwick Road, (West side): From a point 8 metres North of the
projected Northerly kerb line of The Quadrant to a point 10 metres
South of the projected Southerly kerb line of The Quadrant.
The Quadrant, (Both sides): From its intersection with the Western
kerb line of Warwick Road in a Westerly direction for a distance of
10 metres.
Berrycroft Lane, (North side): From its intersection with the
Western kerb line of George Lane in a Westerly direction for a
distance of 5.5 metres.
George Lane, (North-West side): From its intersection with the
Northern projected kerb line of Berrycroft Lane in a North-Easterly
direction for a distance of 54 metres.
King’s Road, (North-East side): From its intersection with
the Western kerb line of George Lane in a South-Westerly direction
for a distance of 8 metres.
Kings Road, (North-West side): From a point 7 metres East of the
projected North-Eastern kerb line of Ruskin Grove to a point 7
metres South-West of the South-Western projected kerb line of
Ruskin Grove.
Ruskin Grove, (Both sides): From its intersection with the
North-Western kerb line of King’s Road in a North-Westerly
direction for a distance of 10 metres.
Proposed No Waiting Monday To Friday, 8.00-9.30am &
The Quadrant, (South side): From a point 10 metres West of its
intersection with the Western kerb line of Warwick Road in a
Westerly direction for a distance of 15 metres.
The Quadrant, (North side): From a point 10 metres West of its
intersection with the Western kerb line of Warwick Road in a
Westerly direction for a distance of 14 metres.
Proposed No Stopping On School Entrance Markings Monday To Friday
8am – 5pm
Warwick Road, (West side): From a point 25 metres South of the
projected Southerly kerb line of The Quadrant in a Southerly,
Easterly (around cul-de-sac end), then Northerly direction on the
Eastern kerb line for a distance of 25.56 metres.
Decision Reference: CMDHPL78
Declarations or conflicts of Interest: None.
Contact: Gillian Kidd, Services to Place Email: Tel: 0161 474 4848.
Publication date: 02/11/2023
Date of decision: 01/11/2023
Effective from: 09/11/2023
Accompanying Documents: