Decision details

Acquisition 80, 80a, 82, 82a Wellington Road South Compulsory Purchase Order Resolution (E&R60)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To resolve to use CPO powers to acquire land interests where required.


The Cabinet considered a report detailing a proposed scheme for the widening of Railway Road, the reconfiguration of the junction, including improved cycle crossing facilities, and tie in with parallel zebra crossing with improved public realm and cycle route at the Wellington Road South and Railway Road junction that would require the acquisition of the land edged red on the plan attached to the report at Appendix 1. 


The Cabinet noted that attempts had been made by officers to acquire the land through agreement,  however these have been unsuccessful to date due to a sizeable difference in values between the parties.


Consequently, the Cabinet has:-


(1) Agreed in principle to the use of CPO powers, if necessary, to acquire land and property and existing rights and interests in the proposed order land, where acquisition by agreement is not possible;


(2) Agreed to authorise officers to take all necessary steps to commence the process for the making, confirmation and implementation of a CPO, including securing the appointment of suitable external advisors and preparing all necessary CPO documentation;


(3) Noted that a further report will be presented to the Cabinet to approve the making of a CPO and to confirm the extent of the order land to be acquired following the finalisation of the necessary preparatory work.

Alternative options considered:


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Reason Key: Significant expenditure or savings;

Wards Affected: Brinnington & Central;

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: N/A

Decision Reference: CAB262

Declarations or conflicts of Interest: None..

Forward Plan Reference: E&R60

Other reasons / organisations consulted

portfolio, clt, E&R, Cabinet

Contact: Paul Richards, Director of Development and Regeneration Email: Tel: 0161-474-2940.

Report author: Robert Goulsbra

Publication date: 23/12/2020

Date of decision: 22/12/2020

Decided at meeting: 22/12/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/01/2021

Accompanying Documents: