Decision details

Cheadle District Centre Public Realm Improvements

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Following consultation with the public and the Cheadle Area Committee, the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) has approved the following public realm scheme for Cheadle District Centre to improve the attractiveness of the area, while being sympathetic to the Conservative Area. The total cost of the scheme is expected to be £750k, to be funded by £350k from this year’s highway capital programme and £150k secured from the Stockport Safer Cycle bid which has been funded by SUSTRANS.       Future years highway capital programme funding will be needed to complete the paving works within the District Centre


·         introduce a 20mph speed limit within the shopping area of Cheadle to  improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists;

·         introduce a Toucan Crossing to allow both pedestrians and cyclists to cross Gatley Road near to its junction with Warren Avenue. This will link the quieter road cycle route between Wilmslow Road and Manchester Road via Warren Avenue, The Crescent, Hall Street, Brook Road and Mill Lane. This will involve the relocation of the existing bus stop from the west to the east side of The Crescent. This proposal is separately funded from the rest of the works and forms part of the Stockport Safer Cycle Project, funded by Sustrans;

·         relay the pavements and kerbs in the area with conservation style paving, including dropped crossings and associated tactilepaving at pedestrian crossing points;

·         to introduce ‘Loading Only’ bays on High Street and Ashfield Road, which will allow easier loading/unloading to shop frontages;

·         introduce waiting restrictions (Mon-Sat, 8am-6pm) on Wood Street and Chandley Street to improve visibility when         xiting the car park and allow deliveries to the rear of the shops;

·         introduce a loading ban restriction on Eden Place and Ashfield Road at their junctions with High Street to keep the junctions free of vehicles and allow easier access/egress to High Street and prevent congestion at these junctions;

·         introduce a Puffin Crossing on High Street between Eden Place and Ashfield Road to provide a controlled crossing facility for pedestrians due to the poor accident record at this location;

·         introduce full controlled crossing facilities (green man) at the Manchester Road/High Street junction. This will involve the creation of a staggered green man crossing across the Manchester Road arm. This proposal has now been amended from the layout shown at consultation so not to encroach into the Green. See drawing 1221/High Street Mcr Rd/Option B;

·         introduce a pedestrian refuge on Stockport Road just east of its junction with Oak Road to provide a further crossing facility for pedestrians and to provide protection for vehicles accessing/egressing Oak Road;

·         reduce the speed limit on Manchester Road from 40mph to 30mph from the railway bridge adjacent to Newland Road to the M60 bridge. Manchester Road is a major cycle route with bus stops and pedestrian crossing points. The reduction in speed will improve safety for these road users.

Alternative options considered:

Traffic calming features (flat top road humps) on Wilmslow Road, Gatley Road and High Street.


Decision Reference: EMDEDR68

Contact: Mark James, Services to Place Email: Tel: 0161 474 2077.

Publication date: 17/07/2013

Date of decision: 15/07/2013

Effective from: 24/07/2013

Accompanying Documents: