Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The purpose of the report is to provide an
update on the revenue budget forecast outturn for the period to the
end of November 2024 (Quarter 2+). The report also provides an
update on the council’s Medium Term Financial Position,
Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account (HRA), Collection
Fund and Capital Programme.
The Quarter 2+ update also helps to inform the 2025/26 budget
setting process, as the Quarter 3 report will follow the Full
Council Budget meeting on 27 February 2025.
The Cabinet has considered the Quarter 2+ revenue forecast outturn including an update on the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account, Collection Fund, Reserves updates to the Capital Programme, and has agreed to:-
(1) Approve the virements to the Revenue Budget;
(2) Note the Cash Limit and Non-Cash Limit forecast outturn positions for 2024/25 as at Quarter 2+;
(3) Note the DSG, HRA and Collection Fund forecast outturn positions for 2024/25 as at Quarter 2+;
(4) Note the update on Reserves;
(5) Note the forecast position for the 2024/25 Capital Programme;
(6) Note the changes to the Capital Programme and re-phasing of schemes during Quarter 2+; and
(7) Note the 2024/25 Capital Programme Prudential Indicators.
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: N/A
Decision Reference: CAB510
Declarations or conflicts of Interest: None.
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Contact: Jonathan Davies, Corporate and Support Services Email: Tel: 218 1025.
Report author: Jonathan Davies
Publication date: 05/02/2025
Date of decision: 04/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet
Effective from: 12/02/2025
Accompanying Documents: