Decision Maker: Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Area Committee has given approval to the allocation of £600 from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bramhall North Ward Allocation) for the outstanding balance of the ‘Tudor Frog’ that had been located in Bramall park.
Wards Affected: Bramhall North;
Decision Reference: ACEDB526
Declarations or conflicts of Interest: None
Contact: Helen Walters, Services to Place Email: Tel: 0161 474 3734.
Report author: Caroline Simpson
Publication date: 22/10/2021
Date of decision: 21/10/2021
Decided at meeting: 21/10/2021 - Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee
Effective from: 29/10/2021
Accompanying Documents: